Wednesday, December 23, 2009


You will find the babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.
Luke 2:12

"Because He Lives, I can face tomorrow.

Because He lives, all fear is gone.

Because I know He holds my future;

and life is worth the living just because He lives."

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hurry Up and Sigh Deep

I don't even drink coffee and I can so relate!

I mean seriously, folks, let's try to at least look like we're enjoying this Christmas break.

How sad that we spend more time stocking up for the perfect gifts to give our families and we miss the perfect opportunity to give to the family...ourselves.

You know what I was reminded of this moring? That my kids love to watch TV with me.
We love to laugh at the commercials and cartoons and just giggle for no reason
while laying around on each other.
I've really missed that.
I've missed Matt climbing on Sunshine Mountain (me) and "perching" on me.
I've missed Drew's millions of questions for me and his zany answers to my questions.
I've missed Meg pestering me to play with her hair or rub her arm.
I've missed sitting down with the family to a meal every night.
I've missed telling the kids good-night.
So that's what I'm stocking up on this Christmas season...memories and laughter and love.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Joe Schmoe Truck Driver

I simply must share a picture with you taken at Halloween. The kids at my school always dress up, and since I'm not one to miss out on the fun, I decided to join in with my own costume.
I only used what I had at the house and viola, meet Joe Schmoe - Truck Driver:
It was so funny to see the expressions on some of my co-workers faces when they first caught a glimpse of me! Would you trust this individual?
Meg's boots, my jeans, Brian's blue shirt, Brian's checked shirt, eye liner and mascara for a beard, my mullet wig, my hat, and my bed sheet (aka my belly): all rolled into one very fun character to add a bit of laughter to our day.
Good times, good times!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Updates and Memories

WOW...I can't believe so much time has passed since I last blogged. I used to be so dedicated to my journaling, and then life caught up with me. Where, oh where do I begin? Think I'll borrow a line from Julie Andrews and start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.
I went back to college in August...after a 12 year lapse. Most people complete high school and college before starting a family. I did the high school and college route, and then took a different path of marriage and family. Looking back, I think my directions gave me a deeper purpose in my drive to finish my degree.
I'm non-stop from dawn till WAY after dusk...and then I'm burning the midnight oil trying to keep an A average. I have classes two days a week, and meet with a study group one day a week. These classes last seven weeks, with a final on the eighth, then I put those books away and get ready for the next round. I'll take four classes in one semester. It's EXHAUSTING trying to juggle the family, big school, little school, Church, etc., but I'm bound and determined to get my teaching degree. HOPEFULLY, come fall 2011 I will be the master of my own classroom...we shall see.
The family has been a TREMENDOUS help. Meg is now in charge of the laundry, Drew is in charge of sweeping, and Matt does what can keep Matt's attention (usually picking up things off the floor), with Brian and the kiddos pitching in for supper. Actually, the kids rotate planning the meals for a week. They have to plan everything. And we have to eat what they plan. We've had some creative meals and they've enjoyed this.
I am now on my Christmas break from big school. One of my favorite memories of college will be that I was fortunate to be a part of their Singing Christmas Tree. That took place last Friday and Saturday night. Let me set the stage for you...around 90 of us students and faculty members gathered Friday night in the gym to warm up. The tree was right next to the building so they had all the lights off for us to make our grand entrance. As we were practicing, the director warned us that there was something coming down, they felt it was rain, and if that was the case, be prepared to quickly pass back the row of lights that we were to hold during the ceremony. We were a little bummed but agreed that this plan was better than being electricuted! The choir was lined up, candles were passed out (so that we could walk throught the dark night to the tree), the silent procession made their way outside, we blew out the candles and placed them in the trash cans located by the tree, climbed to our spots, the strings of lights were passed down, the director gave her cue, the giant spot lights were turned on, and a collective gasp was heard. IT WAS SNOWING! Not just little bits and pieces, mind you, but think, brilliant, showers of blessings were flowing from the Heavens! HOW MAGICAL! I will always remember that special moment when I glimpsed snow. Truly a blessing!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Quiet Comtemplations

It's 5:00 am and all is well. It seems as if I'm the only one up ~ husband, daughter, sons, dog, and even the world outside are all grasping for a few more minutes of blessed slumber.
Sweet peace.
I treasure this time when I can be alone with my Heavenly Father. When the wisdom's from God can find their way to my heart and soul. Call me crazy, but I always find new meanings to old verses during these private sessions with God.
"See to it that no one repays evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good for one another and for all." 1 Thessalonians 5:15
Father, keep my eyes open for those who need the blessing of kindness.
Give me ears to hear Your voice and an obedient heart to let You use me.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Family Reunions

My family spent this past Saturday at a Hill Family Reunion. I must say that it was quite the eye opener for me, not by way of what the oldies but goodies were saying (some of them actually thought that Brian was my Dad), but by what they couldn't remember. You see, Brian's Granny loaned Brian three VERY old pictures of past family members. Brian very faithfully made copies and returned the originals to Granny at the reunion.
I thought that since there were so many Hills at one spot, the reunion would be a perfect place to jot down a few names and recollections that were in those three pictures. My heart hurts just thinking back on how long it took to name gather a few details, and we're still left guessing at who a few are. Grandparents were spotted immediately in those pictures, but their names are now forgotten. Long-departed aunts and uncles were recognized, but very little information could be recollected about them.
I left the reunion saddened that all we have left of previous family members are the pictures that they stood for all those many years ago. And it got me to thinking, I know about my parents, but do my own children? And many years from now, will they remember their own grandparents names, or remember the stories that I told them? Will they be able to look at a picture have all the details readily available to them?
So I am now on a quest. Sometime between Church, my work, college classes, family, and Keli-time, I will go back through every photo I have and make some notes. Not a detailed journal, just the basic info. of names-dates-places-etc. I don't want to fall into the same "missing" category years from now that I experienced at the family reunion.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby, Really?

I dearly love my husband, but he has got to be the oldest 39 year old out there. Here's just one of the numerous examples I could give you:
This afternoon we loaded up the family for our weekly grocery trip. Time was of the essence so a leisure walk through Wal-Mart was out of the question. Nada.
We pull in to the parking lot and I hear Brian announce, "Would you look at that. I wore my houseshoes. No, don't take me home. At least I'll be comfortable shopping."
Can you believe that! Shuffling around Wal-Mart in his houseshoes like an Alzheimer's patient. Isn't he the best ~ my man, Cousin Eddy!

That's From Your Side of the Family

Thursday, when the kids and I got home from school, we noticed that our garbage can was missing from the curb. Unusual, since that is one of the boys job ~ to bring the can up after trash pick-up. Oh well, it must be in the garage; maybe Brian came home for lunch and took care of it. Fast foward to today ~ college and life got me busy so I completely forgot about the can until this morning when Brian needed to throw something away in the garage. Yep, the can was AWOL. Neither trace nor sign of this vital missing item. So what's the first thing a mom will do when something is not in it's assigned place? You ask the kiddos, right?

Since Matt Matt was the only child up at 6:30 Saturday morning, he received my simple question, "Matt, have you seen the big black garbage can?" Without missing a beat, Matt replied, "Maybe a Hobo came and got it, cause that's what they do. Maybe the hobo needed a new home." Sure Matt, hobos, in our gated subdivision, stealing a used trashcan to live in. Yeah, and Big Foot helps you squash bugs. Weirdo.

No comments about apples falling far from trees, please.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


OK, before you read this entry, you've got to read the latest blog from Kara or this won't be near as funny. Go ahead, I'll wait for you.
So by now you've read about Kara's rough week and that Wednesday she made a hospital run to check on the man diver/builder. I had the pleasure of getting Kolton for a few hours while Kara and Kevin checked on the poor man. When I got to Kolton's day care with my kids, we saw that Kolton had the infamous red dot on his hand. After explaining what all was going on at his school, Kara bid us good-bye.
We ran a few errands and then hit D-Q so that my kids could get their hamburgers and Kolton could get his chicken. I spent a few minutes before we ate reminding my own children that when Kolton shows out, we shouldn't laugh at his behavior...that would only encourage him to continue. Am I right? The boys and Meg agreed and did a great job of discouraging and encouraging. Such great listeners to their momma!
Not two minutes later, Kolton spit at his Aunt Nene (one of my many name changes with the little man)! I quickly got on to Kolton and we moved on with dinner...or so I thought. Kolton soon popped a french fry into his mouth, spit it out, and then demanded that I EAT IT! What could I do, I lost it! Nice!
"Way to go, Mom."
"Good one, Mom."
"That's teaching him, Mom."
Ice Cream anyone?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Thanks For Your Present For Me

My dear, sweet husband will be celebrating his 40th birthday in November ~ and he's having a tremendously difficult time with the upcoming event. He absolutely dreads getting older! In an effort to relieve some of the self-imposed stress that Brian's accumulated, I told him that he could get his mid-life crisis out of the way this summer, as long as it was family friendly. Many plans were tossed about ~ skydiving, a trip to Vegas (yes with me!), a motorcycle, etc., but one was always at the top of his list ~ a new 4-wheeler.

Well Happy Mid-Life Crisis, Brian! He found a GREAT gently used 4-wheeler on Craig's List and bought it last week. The thing is massive. Luggage racks on both front and back. Automatic transmission. Like, a lot of horse power or something. Um, it's green. Anyway, I don't know too much of the details but I do know that the smile on Brian's face when he came home with it was priceless!

Hop on, he says. Let's go around the neighborhood, he says. We won't go fast, he says. LIE! A roller coaster goes slower than we did! OK, no exaggeration...I was FREAKING OUT! No way was I ever going to ride on that thing, much less drive it.

Now here's where I eat crow:

Saturday, Brian borrowed a teen 4-wheeler (thinking about getting it for the kids but decided not to) and took the family to his deer camp. I rode with Brian and Drew on The Big Green while Meg drove Matt on The Red Baron. We tooled around for awhile until Brian switched gears on us.

Keli, you drive mine, he says. It's real easy, he says. You can do it, he says. AND HE WAS RIGHT! Meg and Drew hopped on board with me and we hit the road. Definitely not as fast or swirvey as Brian through the neighborhood, but fun none-the-less. By the end of the day I was asking for my own, only in hot pink.

Only 4 more years until my mid-life crisis!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Stitch Just in Time

OK, so if you read the previous entry, you know all about our personal hospital that we open here at our house for Tex. Well, I failed to mention that we had an addition to that hospital.
Meg and I stayed home from Church on Sunday to be with Tex and the boys went with Brian; they were going to go to the Deer Camp and play in the afternoon.
I get a call around 3:00 from Brian and here's how it went:
Brian ~ I've got to tell you something but I don't want you to freak out.
Keli ~ OK, what's going on?
Brian ~ We're at the hospital in Kosciusko and Matt's getting stitches.
Keli ~ What!!!
Brian ~ Don't freak out, remember?
Keli ~ What the bleep are you talking about? (I really said bleep folks)
Brian ~ We were at Deer Camp and Matt cut his pinkie finger on something. They're going to put a few stitches in and then we're coming home.
Keli ~ But Matt leaves for a week camp tomorrow morning. Can he still go with stitches?
Brian ~ KELI! Stop freaking out. He's a boy and he'll be fine.
Keli ~ Brian, please put Matt on the phone, now!
Drew ~ Mom, Matt is getting his finger looked at. I'll take care of him since you're not here, even though he threw up on me.
Keli ~ You're a very brave and wonderful big brother. How bad is it?
Drew ~ Well, there's blood and throw up all over Matt and me.
Keli ~ We can get it cleaned up. Thank you for being there and helping. May I speak to Matt now?
Matt ~ Mom, they put in four cat stitches on my finger and I threw up three times and it got all over me and Drew and the nurse. I can't get my finger wet or dirty until the stitches come out.
Keli ~ OK, baby. Just come home and I'll love on you.
Matt ~ OK, but you might want me to change clothes first.
Brian has no idea how Matt did it, but he sliced open his little finger. I got my boys home, loved on them, and made sure I knew what to tell the nurse at the boy's camp the next day. Remember, he can't get it dirty or wet.
Monday ~ I drop off the boys at camp and made sure that the camp nurse and Matt's counselor know that swimming is out, cannoeing is out, and he needs to wear a baggie on his hand during shower time. They all understand.
Friday ~ I pick up the boys from camp and find out that Matt has won the Belly Buster Contest in the swimming pool, he had a blast in the lake and canoe, he showered with one hand out of the curtain, and knocked a few of the stitches around when he got hit in the dodge ball game.
Honestly, if I survive July it will be a miracle!
I'm so ready to go back to school!

Updating for Future Remembrances

These past few weeks have been a whirl-wind for my family. I've come to rely on my blog as personal journal and have been lack in adding any new entries. So the following might contain gory details of what has transpired lately. If you have a weak stomach, you might want to skip this.

Two weeks ago, our Church conducted Vacation Bible School. On the very first day we had record numbers of attending kids, a great thing for a small country Church. I led the Opening Worship and taught the 10 and up class (we averaged 13 in my class). It was turning into a fabulous week for all involved.

Until Wednesday.

Our VBS started at 6:00 and ran until 9:00 which meant that Brian had to leave work early everyday and rush to the house, pick us up by 4:30 so that we could get to the Church by 5:30 and get all our gear ready for the night. By the time we got home in the evenings it was around 10:00 and we were EXHAUSTED!

Wednesday night was going to be our lazy night. Brian had taken Thursday off so that we could stay at the Church, get to bed early, and sleep in on Thursday. We were going to play on Thursday and just enjoy being together as a family, all 6 of us, Tex included.

The house we stay in at Thomastown is right beside the Church, with a huge field directly behind the house. We've attached a running line for Tex going from the back porch of the house to the field that allows him the freedom of roaming (albeit in a straight line). Our Recreation for VBS is also in that field. Wednesday we had attached Tex to the runner ~ Brian was in charge of rec and was going to keep an eye on Tex (plus Tex loves watching the kids play ~ he's like the mascot of the Church).

My group was the last one in rec on Wednesday night. We were out there from 8:00 to 8:30 and had a great time playing. After our rec. time was over, we went into the Church for snack. Brian came in as well and was going to leave Tex out on the runner for a little longer, nothing unusual, we've done that many times. We had not been inside for 15 min. when a Church member came running inside to get Brian ~ Tex was being attacked. This man had just stepped outside to make a phone call and heard something screaming, he thought it was a child. He went around the corner and saw a bull mix on Tex. By the time Brian got to Tex, the bull had Tex on his side, had one paw on Tex's side, and his mouth on Tex's neck trying to pull it off. Brian saw red and charged.

I had heard that the bull was over with Tex but didn't think it was bad, I seriously thought that Brian was going to take care of it...we've had problems with that dog before. Not two min. later a lady came to get me saying that it was bad and that I needed to get over there before my kids saw it.

I took of running not sure what I would find. Brian had grabbed Tex and put him in this big laundry room at the house so he could get some help from a few men. I can not tell you the amount of blood that was in that room when I opened the door. It was a literal blood scene. I don't know why Tex wasn't in shock from the massive amounts of blood he was loosing.

We made some phone calls, wrapped Tex in towels, and jumped in the car. By now it was 9:00 and we had found a vet in Kosciusko that agreed to meet us and look at Tex. My poor kids had to walk into the house, see the gore, and just wait. Thank goodness for my friend who stayed with them and cleaned up the mess.

We met the vet who was surprised that Tex wasn't already dead. There were numerous DEEP puncture wounds on the right side of his neck and the inside of his right ear had been shredded to pieces. When the vet would put a stick of gauze in Tex's ear to find where all the blood was coming from, the stick would come out of his neck. I am so grateful for that man, he worked on Tex for 2 hours before we left. If Tex lived through the night he might just have a chance. We decided that since there was still a lot of bleeding, and Tex was sedated, we would drive back to our own home and take care of him there.

By the time we drove back to get the kids and our stuff, and then drove home, it was after midnight and we were exhausted. I put everyone to bed, made a pallet for Tex in the living room (we've got tiled concrete so clean up is easy), and then started my nursing career. Tex came home from the vet with a drain tube and open wounds that leaked, no poured. My washing machine and dryer worked over time that first night.

So, from Wednesday night until Monday morning, someone had to stay with Tex. We needed to make sure he didn't scratch at any of the puncture wounds and rip them open further, keep an eye on the drain tube in his neck, and clean up behind him whenever he left the pallet. It was a family act of love. I would usually carry Tex, or walk with him in case he couldn't make it outside; the boys were on "blood detail", having to clean and sanitize the floor from anything that dripped out; and Meg was on scratching detail, making sure he wasn't opening any new holes. Definitely gross, something that not all people understand ~ Tex is just a dog after all, but we did anything and everything because Tex is a member of our family.

This past Monday the drain tube was removed but the puncture wounds are still open and leaking, though not as bad. We took Tex to our vet the Thursday after the attack so they could begin treatment. It was their advice that none of the wounds be closed, that they be allowed to stay open and drain out instead of keeping all that fluid in and risking possible infection. Tex is more mobile now, still not eating much of anything, there's still swelling around his right jaw, and he's lost hearing in his right ear. The vet is talking possible reconstructive surgery in his ear because the ear canal is destroyed. They want to see how well the ear is going to heal before we take that step, though.

Here it is Saturday, a week and four days since this ordeal began. I would post some of the pics I took but they are definitely too gory. We've always said that Tex was more cat than dog. If that's the case then he's about out of lives. This is the same dog that almost went blind in one of his eyes due to a thorn scratching it. This is also the same dog that was run over ~ ON HIS HEAD ~ and lived. This is also the same dog that smiles when he's with his family, that likes to sing, "I love you" with his mom, that loves to go riding in the truck with his dad, and will spend a little of each night making the rounds to check on his kids.

Praise the Lord that our friend went to make that phone call and heard Tex.

Praise the Lord that it wasn't a child that was attacked.

Praise the Lord that we found a vet that would see us after hours.

Praise the Lord that Tex is still with us.

Praise the Lord!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Chee's Back!

So those who know me know that I have bad chee. It's not always evident, but if you look real close at my life you'll see it. Bad chee, the bain of my existence.
Brian is always reminding the kids not to park their bikes too close to the driveway, one day we'll hear a crunch while backing up and bye-bye bike. Well, last evening I heard a crunch as I was backing up but it wasn't a bike that I was Brian's truck. Yep, chee.
One of the kids had not followed Brian's advice and instead of moving the bike and then parking, Brian just pulled in behind me; not all the way behind me, but just enough that I would have to do some fancy swerving to maneuver away from his mode of transportation.
I thought I had cleared myself from Brian's truck and had turned to look over my left shoulder to make sure that I didn't run over any power or TV boxes when I heard the gut-wrenching crunch. As bad chee would have it, Meg and a friend were with me. GREAT! We jumped out of the van, assessed the damage, and then jumped back into the van with my threat, "GO GO GO" filling the air. Then my words changed to, "Crap" and Meg followed with, "OOOOOHHH. Now you've got to tell Dad. I'm gonna call him."
Through much schmoozing, Brian was told (although AFTER I got back from the video store). Now I have matching bonks, both on the right side of the van. So my advice to you, if you see me and feel like being in a collision with me...please hit the left side of my van ~ I don't think the right side can take anymore!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Are You Ready?


Not much time left now, what is it ~ 24 days for faculty?
While I've enjoyed my summer, I'm ready for the routine of school.
So to all my teacher up the last few days of summer!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

So Simple

I woke up this morning and decided that a good dose of hard working, sweat dripping, yard cleaning medicine would be just what I needed to chase away the blues of missing Meg while she's at camp. Call me crazy, but I absolutely love mowing and weed eating.
I begin my morning with mowing the front yard, only my lawn mower is having some technical difficulties. Hhmm, wonder what's going on with that? Putting on my detective hat I discovered that the problem probably lies with the STICKS that someone has put in the gas tank of the mower. Well, shoot, so much for mowing. I'll just move on.
My next job was weed eating. I drag out this monstrous machine that Brian bought to ease the burden of weeding. Perfect ~ except I can't work the thing! After several aggressive tries to start this technological wonder, I give up. Plenty more to do, right?
My next attempt at the front yard is to trim the bushes. I'm fighting the heat, slinging sweat out of my eyes, have asked the boys to help bag the debris, and feeling like I'm finally accomplishing something this morning.
After a few minutes, I notice that it's very quiet in my yard, a little too quiet for my taste and experience. I turn around in time to see the boys running down the street to a friends' house while yelling over their shoulder, "It's too hot to work in the yard, Mom. We're going on a slip-n-slide. Be back for lunch."
And you know what? They've got the right idea. It is too hot for yard work. I'll finish after Church tonight when the heat is hopefully not so oppressive. So, if you drive by my house please overlook the half mowed front yard, the angrily discarded weed eater, and the shaggy bushes. My heart was in the right place but darn I still miss Meg! Wonder if there's any chocolate in the house?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Round Two

Meg returned from Pinelake's Base Camp Saturday evening at 6:00. After a delicious dinner of homemade fajitas and an enlightening conversation about her travels, Meg hit the bed. I, on the other hand, stayed up emptying, washing, and then refilling her suitcase for round two.

Our Church's youth group (all three of them) went to a Youth Camp in Florida today (they left at 4:45 this morning). From the looks of this Camp, they are going to have a GREAT time! Staying in a resort, hearing Jeremy Camp, Tony Hunt, NewSong, Tony Nolan, and Francesca Battistelli, having the beach at their disposal, living-breathing-soaking up God...I so wish I were there with them!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's difficult to grasp that at this time last year, my family was homeless...literally. In trying to move our family closer to the kids' school, we sold our home and set out on a quest to follow God's lead. Little did we know the extent of which our travels would take us.
Living in a camper for a week ~ check.
Living once again in the house at Church ~ check.
Having ALL our clothes in rubbermaid containers in the back of my vehicle ~ check.
Sometimes not knowing where we were going from one week to the next ~ check.
I think back on the stress of last summer and shake my head in wonder. I don't know how, but we survived and are living in a great house just 5 min. from the kids' school. Well, I do know how we managed, by God's grace.
It was crazy, it was stressful, and at times quite depressing, but God was faithful and we are blessed.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Still Moments

Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

In between a very successful youth fundraiser car wash and our Father's Day Supper at Church, my family went fishing Saturday. I was exhausted from washing about a bagillion vehicles but grabbed the camera and took one for the team
(you know me and making memories for my kids).

We loaded up Henry (my Honda minivan) with our fishing gear and water bottles and rolled out to a Church members' pond ... it was so beautiful! This man has a dock that goes out into the water ... and my goodness is his pond stocked!

I grabbed my fishing pole, caught a few fish (Saturday we were on the catch and release program) and then I sat back and enjoyed the view. Gigantic bullfrogs serenading us, crickets responding, the wind gently blowing through the trees, soft grass beneath us, big fluffy white clouds floating over us, the laughter of my kids as they caught fish after fish, still hot as heck but a wonderful, peaceful, relaxing time together.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just What Are You Teaching Me?

I am blessed to teach a 7-9 year old Sunday School class at our Church each Sunday morning. For good and bad, my students include Matt and Drew and one other boy (remember, we're a REALLY small Church).
So, this past Sunday I was introducing our Bible Story about Joshua and his huge battle. I began telling them about the Children of Israel and Joshua and how they were asked by God to walk around a certain city once a day for six days, and then on the seventh day they were to walk around the city 7 times.
I then asked the kids if they remembered what the name of that city was.
The boys thought and thought, and then Matt responded with, "Sacajawea?"
OK, so I think my family needs to lay off the historical studies and delve deeper into biblical characters.What do you think?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Steps of Their Father

My sweet husband will do anything to provide shelter, food, clothing, etc. for his family.
He's always had a very strong work ethic, many times working multiple jobs to make ends meet. Brian is very diligent at showing and teaching and sharing with the kids that no job is too menial, as long as you give it your best.

This was evident in their joint venture last fall. Brian, Drew, and Matt decided they would sell pecans ... whole and cracked. Little did I realize that their trip down money lane would evolve into a family affair. I can't tell you how many HUNDREDS of gallons of pecans we gathered. My poor kitchen was transformed into a pecan assembly line ~ plastic bags for delivery, plastic bags to be cracked, 5 gallon buckets to be divided, you get the picture.
I must admit that it was a good learning experience for the boys to be involved in.

And then came this summer and watermelon season.
You guessed it, Brian and the boys once again put on their salesmen hats and have been selling watermelons. Silly me, I thought this leg of their selling journey would be a small business.
Guess how many watermelons Brian bought on Wednesday for the boys to sell?


And how many watermelons are left?


That's right, in 3 days my little charmers sold watermelons to the young, old, single, families, friends, and strangers. Brian even caught Matt in a new selling technique: when a car would pull into the parking lot, Matt would take them a watermelon, place it in their car, and then ask for the money, that was even before the poor victims had a chance to ask how much they cost or why the boys were selling watermelons ... Matt just took the bull by the horns and made the decision for the customers that they were going to purchase a watermelon. Too funny.

So, here's a few pics of the future Fortune 500:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy Anniversary to me! Um, to us!

Today is our 15th wedding anniversary. Can you believe it? I've been married to the same sweet, exasperating, aging, loving man for 15 years! That just blows my mind!

At this time on June 4, 1994, I was decorating Pinelake (the old one) and trying to put everything in its place. I wanted a simple, Christian wedding and got just that.

It was perfect.

The wedding party was to be at the church for pictures at 1:00 and at 12:00 I realized that I needed to leave and get myself ready. I can't believe how simple everything was. I literally ran home, jumped in the shower, got dressed, and then wondered how I was going to fix my hair! Seriously! I remember standing in front of the mirror in my parents bathroom thinking, "I've got 30 min. to get my hair fixed and put my veil on. How can I make this work."

God made my fingers fly and put together something that resembled a bride.
And boy howde, Brian was one handsome devil in his tux!

We had friends and family help with as much as possible. Brian's aunt, a rose LOVER, supplied us with a few beautiful arrangements; the prelude was all hymns played by a family friend on the piano and my mom on the organ; another close family friend sang heart touching songs; two of my buddies from college videotapped the ceremony (a funny note here - when Brian and I were watching the tape after we returned from our honeymoon to Hawaii, we noticed that many of the scenes would fade to black and then return a few seconds later. When I asked my friend what was happening, he replied that he had been in a car accident that morning and that he was blacking out! No lie! When he would feel faint, he would fade out the scene and his friend would take over).

We were so young and in SO much love. We thought we had the world by its tail and couldn't wait to start our adventure together.

Here's one of my favorite hymns that I just had to have played in our wedding ... it holds true then and now:
Savior, like a shepherd lead us, much we need thy tender care; in thy pleasant pastures feed us, for our use thy folds prepare. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus! Thou hast bought us, thine we are. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus! Thou hast bought us, thine we are.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sweet Home, from Alabama

Our family just returned from a relaxing mini-vacation in
Gulf Shores, Alabama. We left Saturday morning at 6:15 (I know, it's that whole early bird thing) and returned Monday evening around 5:00.

The temps were perfect, the breeze was perfect, the company was perfect, the sand was not! I wish it was acceptable to take a vacuum cleaner on vacation with you, my poor van sure could have used a few minutes of TLC each evening. I know I drove my poor family absolutely nuts with my obsessive hollering, "Brush all that sand off. Don't sit on the bed until you've taken your shower. Watch out, you're getting sand on my beach towel (that one's a hoot, right?)."

I did enjoy myself. Loved watching all the people ~ we were very lucky and played on family friendly beaches all three days. I'm ashamed to say that I didn't take near the amount of pictures I should have. I wish I had gotten one of Meg with her cover up on, I just don't feel comfortable showing her off in her cute bikini.
This is in front of a Souvenier Shop in Gulf Shores.
The last time our family took a picture in front of a shop down on the beach, it was blown away by a hurricane. So, my sincere apologies if anything happens to this little cutie!

Drew found his calling on the boogie board. He would literaly swim/float for hours on this thing.

The only way we could get him in to shore was for suntan lotion and food!

Matt was SO excited to find a shell with "something" in it. Mama ... not so much.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tropical Island Get-A-Way

I've just got to brag on my 1st grade teaching team ... we just gave our first graders the end-all, beat-all end-of-the-year party! Going with a tropical island theme, we had 11 different stations of fun and learning for the kids to travel to, and BOY did they travel, complements of Northwest Airlines (get it?), an itinerary, and congrats letter to the children and parents for a job well done this year.

The kids were divided evenly among 11 Tour Groups, which were led by Tour Guides (parents). These groups (all of which had tropical island names - Fiji, Bahamas, Cancun, etc.) visited each station which was called an "excursion".

Here were some of our excursions: learning a real hula dance, making a message in a bottle, the limbo, learning and eating poi (applesauce folks, but the kiddos had to eat it with their fingers ... so right up their alley), the list goes on and on.

Each Tour Group stayed at their excursion for 15 minutes, at which time they rotated to the next excursion.

We were blessed to have some VERY clever parents who turned our school's gazebo into a Snack Shack, complete with a GINORMOUS grill that was put to good use for our hamburgers and hot dogs at lunch.

Our festivities began at 8:30 that morning and did not conclude until 1:00 that afternoon. We could not have asked for better weather, cuter kids, or tastier food.

I still shake my head over how well everything turned out ... THANK YOU JESUS!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Stormy Weather

So last night I receive a phone call from my sister, Kara, who was traveling home from Jackson and noticed the weather turning a bit nasty. I told her that the sky over our way was looking darker but that nothing had come across the T.V. about bad weather and they should be fine to make it home. As soon as those words leave my mouth, our T.V. show is interrupted with a Severe Storm Warning for our county. GREAT! I tell Kara that I need to amend my advice and that they should be very cautious coming home. Kara tells me that the wind is knocking against their car to the point that they had pulled over
and taken shelter at a gas station.

Not the safest place in my imagination, but whatever.

Now, I'm not afeered of storms, but tornado's just get beside me. As long as there's not a tornado warning out there, I'm fine.

Well, what do you know, Kara calls back a few minutes later for an update and once again, as soon as I tell her that it's just a storm warning and they should be fine to get home, the sirens (which, by the way, are right outside of our subdivision and very LOUD!) go off and a tornado warning is plastered on our T.V. screen. So once again I have to amend my advice to Kara and her family to be very careful and get the heck away from a gas station ... no way did I want my family sitting on explosives in the middle of a potentially dangerous storm!

So here I am on the phone with my sister trying to keep her updated and alive while at the same time I'm yelling at the kids to grab their shoes and the dog and get in my closet AND I'm grabbing my purse-Bible-Brian's phone and keys and wallet-and anything else we might need. WHEW!

I pause now, in the midst of our life-threatening dash, to tell you how my husband was handling it all at this point. As I am praying for the safety of my family, Brian asked me to put a pizza in the oven for his supper. I know the look that I aimed at him was one of stupidity, but what the bleep! You want me to cook you a pizza?!?!? HELLO! That black swirling mass of clouds outside doesn't ring a bell that maybe we should seek shelter? And guess what I did? I cooked the boy a pizza! Don't ask me WHY I dropped everything and took care of his meal (in my mind it was his last supper), but I did.

Thankfully, the weather passed over us, Kara and her family made it home, no one was injured, but darn it - I burnt the pizza! Wouldn't you know it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Names the Game

So, my sister Kara is going to have her second baby in October.

With ALL that she and her husband have going on in their lives,

I've decided to name the baby for them.

I'll at least pick out HER first name,

they can throw some handle in the middle, whatever.

Here are the names that my family has come up with:

Girls ~ Kemily, Kendall, Kaitlin (can't be Kaylee, that's too much like Lili), Kayla, Kiley, and Kennedy.

Boys (even though it will be a girl) ~ Kyle, Kody, Kade, Karson, and Keegan.

What are your suggestions?

Keep in mind that the first name must begin with a "K"
or suffer irreversible complexes for the rest of HER life! Just kidding there!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wild Ride

Brian brought home a sweet surprise today for our family. No, it wasn't chocolate or candy or even a chick flick. He purchased a go-cart from one of his customers. We all had to take a ride around the neighborhood and try out our new wheels. So here's how we rolled ... Clampett Style.

Of course, for safety measures, mom had to go first and try it out.
My copilot for this adventure was Drew:
Drew tried his hand at driving - solo, but we were all so scared we took off running
and forgot to get a picture. Next time, my boy, next time.
Meg, the speedracer, with her passenger Matt.

And Matt "I'm ready for the Indy Races" finished us up tonight.

So much fun! I envision many hours of enjoyment for our family with this recycled toy. Hopefully many memories and not many trips to the E.R.!

Friday, April 17, 2009

A Day in the Life

~wake up at 4:00
~quiet time
~school by 6:45 (or 6:50 or 6:55 but DEFINATELY before 7:00)
~dismiss from school at 2:00 but
~stay late for school
~so get home at 4:00
~mom changes and cleans kids, dad grills hamburgers and packs chips and fruit for dinner
~leave for church revival at 4:30
~eat dinner on the road to church, there's no dinner on the gounds tonight, sad face on me
~listen to boys fussing about eating their food off of broiler pans in the car - hey, those things make GREAT trays in a pinch!
~head home at 8:30
~walk in the door at 9:30
~get ready to start the process all over tomorrow


~sleep WAY past 4:00
~wear pj's as long as possible
~eat country breakfast
~do practically nothing else
~aaaahhhh, just what the doctor ordered :}

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Are you for real?

OMG ~ I've got to share what happened at school today!
I was lining up my kids in the class to go to lunch when I heard someone knocking on our door. As anyone else would in that circumstance, I simply opened the door and said, "Hello."
It was then that I noticed a sweet second grade girl running from our door to hers down the hall. I quickly called out,
"I see you ______" and heard her giggle. Can you believe it!
We were ding-dong-ditched at school!
Can you say SPRING FEVER!!!
Wait, my son Matt just asked me to change ding-dong-ditch to knock-knock-ditch, since there are no doorbells at school.
I still can't believe she did that!
And when I asked her after school if she came to my door today, the little pixie acted all innocent. Too funny!

Psalm 139 : 7-10
"Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When to let go

OK, so my daughter REALLY wants to be on Facebook. She's got it BAD. But notice I said "wants" and not "needs" (I know, that's the mother talking). A further question to ponder is this, do 13-year old's REALLY need to be on Facebook? Aside from hooking up with old friends for a High School reunion, or possibly working a business angle, what's the deal with Facebook? These kids are around each other ALL day at school, almost every prepubescent that I know has their own cell phone with HALF of the Middle School programed in, and they ALL have their own e-mail address. I just feel like I'm yelling in the wind when it comes to Facebook.

So who needs to let go? The mother who is trying to teach her child that it's ok to not have EVERYTHING ever invented in this amazing world or the child who just wants to spread her wings and fly?

Psalm 19:14 ~ May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Monday, April 13, 2009

New Look, Same Me

Well, my daughter finally guilted me into updating our family blog. In Meg's words, my blogging was "getting on her nerves" (parental translation, my LACK of blogging was getting to her).
So here I am, a new great look, but the same ol' me...
Have you ever taken a step back from life and looked around at all that God has blessed you with? Maybe I shouldn't say you, how about this...has God ever stopped you in your tracks and gently shown you His greatness in your life?
The other day, my sweet man asked me what we should build next for our home. Here's the deal with that...we absolutely LOVE building furniture together. We've built a rather large kitchen table, a pie safe (more Brian's doing than mine), two bedside tables, three end tables, a coffee table, and a massive TV stand. Most of the materials have been found around his family farm so were free to us. What can I say, the rustic look appeals to me! Not to mention the satisfaction of looking at a finished project, knowing that it came about with a hammer, nails,
some screws, just a few heated words, and two loving hearts!
So when B-Man asked on Tuesday of last week what we should work on next, my thoughts immediately went to our bare back yard. Knowing that my parents, sis, bro-in-law, and nephew were coming over Friday night for a meal, I suggested we try our hands at a picnic table.
And guess what? We did it, or rather we made it.
Brian was given permission to get some 2 by 4's from his deer camp and brought those home Wednesday night. Thursday night found our family putting together a 7 foot picnic table!
From scratch, well, from an adjusted plan that Brian Googled up.
As soon as I find my camera cord, I'll post some pictures for you.
Long story, I know, so I'll bring this narrative back around. Tonight, before the rain came, my family sat around our new picnic table for our supper: fried pork chops, potato salad (yep, Kara, still eating on that potato salad!), baked beans, cheesy broccoli, and pink lemonade. Sitting there with family that I love, with food on our table, in a house that keeps us safe and warm, in a neighborhood that protects us, how could I ask for more?
Sometimes when God opens that window and shows my heart all that I have been
blessed with, one of my favorite songs comes to mind:
"So if there's anything I've learned from this journey I am on,
Simple truths will keep you going, simple love will keep you strong.
'Cause there are questions without answers, and flames that never die.
Heartaches we go through are often blessings in disguise.
So thank you , Lord.
How could I ask for more?"
And I sigh in contentment ...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Getting the Swing of Things, or Are We?

The boys and I entered our second 5K this morning. This run/walk benefited the March of Dimes, sponsored by Millsaps. Kara and Kevin participated as well ~ Kara took some pictures that I'll have to add at a later time.

Matt was up at 5:00 this moring ready to run! He is so stinkin' funny! Drew was up at 6:00, a little slower, but wanting to beat Matt BAD! The big discussion at our house was if Matt was going to let Drew finish first or if Matt was going to cheat. Anyway, we get dressed for our run, hoping that we would have enough clothing on ... Drew in t-shirt and running pants, Matt in t-shirt and shorts, and myself in t-shirt and shorts. It was 50 outside before we left but we all felt like we could handle it. WRONG! Who knew that the wind would pick up and the temps would drop and our breath would show and I would expose my children to frostbite!!! My crew ended up wearing our race t-shirts over our other clothes to gain some heat.

As I trudged along, I had a lot of time to think and I've come to the decision that Drew is a long distance runner, he did GREAT on the 5K. In fact, I had to call Drew back several times just so I could keep him in my sights!
Then there's Matt. I think Matt would do well with short sprints. I literally had to pull and drag the poor boy down most of the road, that is until we would come to a group of Sorority Girls from Millsaps (I think today was one of their Service Projects). As soon as Matt got a glimpse of the gals at each station he would let go of my hand, get this HUGE smile on his face, and puff out his chest! It was too funny! Drew and I just shook our heads and said that's Matt for ya!

By the way ... the temp when we crossed the finish line was 45 with the wind chill at -18, no lie. Drew crossed first, I let Matt cross second (there were girls cheering him on, how could I not?) and coming in dead last was good ole Mom. Kevin finished the three miles in something like 30 seconds, or maybe 30 minutes. Kara finished in 35 seconds, minutes, whatever. Team Hill finished in 45 hours, minutes. Someone said that 250 raced and Team Hill came in 190-193, but don't quote me on that. I do know that we had a lot of fun and are already strategizing about our next 5K. Maybe we can get Meg on board with us!

Friday, February 20, 2009

New Job ~ New Outlook on Life

So without giving too many personal details, I've gotten a new job/replacement job/promotion...however you look at it, I'm there. My personal view, and that of many others at the elementary school where I work, is that I am considered a "SWEEPER". If there is a position that needs filling, short term or long, Keli's the gal. I honestly believe that I've been exposed to every single station in the school and now I'm in yet another one. Call it crazy, call it un-natural, but I've NEVER been an assistant in a regular classroom
in all the years that I've been associated with my school!
That changed Monday when I was placed in a 1st grade class and I absolutely LOVE it! I feel as if I've gone from being an aunt to the children at the school (knowing literally every child there but not really anything about them) to being a step-mom of one class. In the brief time that I've spent with "my kids", I've gotten to know their personalities - their inner workings so to speak.
Can I just say that I love my life? I am so honored that I have had the opportunities to work and get first hand knowledge of ALL the workings of a school. Answer phones and deal with parents in the office - check. Clean up puke and empty trash - check on being a janitor. Work with special ed children - check. Experience in a library - check. Start and maintain a computer lab - check. Heck, I've even dished out meals in the cafeteria - check.
Now I get to handle taking attendance and collecting lunch money and
Thursday Take Home Folders and I am on cloud nine, baby!
God has just blessed me with a great group of family at school. I know that my sister is one of my bosses, but sometimes family goes beyond blood ties. It stretches into heart ties and right now, my heart is tied to so many people at my school. I'm beating my mind trying to remember a special bible verse that comes to mind when I think of my school. Shoot.
I'll have to add that later.
Anyway, just thought I'd share my warm fuzzy feelings with ya!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Just Me and the Boys

This morning I spent some quality time with my boys participating in a 5K Walk in Jackson. I had initially signed the boys up for a 1 mile Fun Run and Meg up for a 5K Walk. I was going to go WATCH the boys and Meg was going to walk with her Aunt Kara, Uncle Kevin, and several faculty members from school (I'm so proud of all my gals who went today, you guys are the BEST!).

Weeelll, Meg bails on us in our driveway as we were leaving for the big event ... she had a bum ankle so I can't fault her for her decision. That leaves my twin towers of powers and me, I can handle it, right? Long story short, the boys did not run in their event but walked (and illegally jogged) in the 5K Walk WITH THEIR MOM (remember I was going to just watch them)! We had such a GREAT time together! I was a little worried because we were instructed SEVERAL times that the boys could not run, that they had to walk. Problem is that my walk is not that of my two boys. Being the mother of invention, I fudged a little on the rules and let the boys jog every now and then.

I can't wait until the next 5K ... I think we'll have to participate as a family!

So how do you entice two boys to forget about a one mile run
and encourage them towards a 3 mile walk?

Like this:

DISCLAIMER: No children were harmed during the taking of these pictures or the walking/jogging of the Marathon. There were, just briefly, two sets of pouty lips when made to properly dispose of the can before much was consumed.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

And all God's people said, "Amen"

After many months, and many more beggings and pleadings, the Hill family FINALLY has the internet. Now, I understand my husband's reasonings as to why we had to hold out on "dialing in" but dag-nabit a girl can only go so long without blogging. And I don't think it's a TRUE blog without a few late night posts, so you can count out borrowing a sweet sister's computer for a quickie (how'd you like that one, Kara?)!
Seriously and all Christian-like, my mind is just a wondering at all the places I can go ... forget joing a gym, I'm joining CVS. And if you just thought you liked the songs played during our morning announcements at school, just you wait until I can O-FFICIALLY download some mind-blowing tunes. Forget about traveling to my husband's office after hours for kids' reports or travel info., or anything else. Why, I can sit in the comfort of my own home and let my fingers do the walking. And no one EVEN sees my pj's or glasses or no make-up or fuzzy slippers.
My, my, my, I can't WAIT to get my hands on my blog and get it updated ALL the way! What's that song? "I'm coming out, I want the world to know..." Thank you Brian Hill and God and technology and AT&T and electricity and probably Bill Gates but not in that order :) I love life!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Don't get too excited

I'm not really here yet.
Crazy, I know, but that's me all the way around.
We still don't have Internet at our house so I'm bumming off of my sweet sis.
I'm hopeful that February is not only the month of LOVE,
it's the month of Internet for my family!
Connecting and hooking-up might have one meaning for some this month, but I can assure you that at the Hill House, it means the web and blogging and homework for the kids and downloading songs for the mom and getting sermon info. for the dad.
You name it, we've been missing it.
I promise, if my man doesn't get us the goods soon,
there's gonna be a revolt of history-making proportions!
No promises that I can update my blog soon, but when I do you'd best settle in for a long read. I'm talking novel here people!
Miss all of you and can't wait to join you permanently, I am ~Keli Hill!