Saturday, August 22, 2009

That's From Your Side of the Family

Thursday, when the kids and I got home from school, we noticed that our garbage can was missing from the curb. Unusual, since that is one of the boys job ~ to bring the can up after trash pick-up. Oh well, it must be in the garage; maybe Brian came home for lunch and took care of it. Fast foward to today ~ college and life got me busy so I completely forgot about the can until this morning when Brian needed to throw something away in the garage. Yep, the can was AWOL. Neither trace nor sign of this vital missing item. So what's the first thing a mom will do when something is not in it's assigned place? You ask the kiddos, right?

Since Matt Matt was the only child up at 6:30 Saturday morning, he received my simple question, "Matt, have you seen the big black garbage can?" Without missing a beat, Matt replied, "Maybe a Hobo came and got it, cause that's what they do. Maybe the hobo needed a new home." Sure Matt, hobos, in our gated subdivision, stealing a used trashcan to live in. Yeah, and Big Foot helps you squash bugs. Weirdo.

No comments about apples falling far from trees, please.