OK, so if you read the previous entry, you know all about our personal hospital that we open here at our house for Tex. Well, I failed to mention that we had an addition to that hospital.
Meg and I stayed home from Church on Sunday to be with Tex and the boys went with Brian; they were going to go to the Deer Camp and play in the afternoon.
I get a call around 3:00 from Brian and here's how it went:
Brian ~ I've got to tell you something but I don't want you to freak out.
Keli ~ OK, what's going on?
Brian ~ We're at the hospital in Kosciusko and Matt's getting stitches.
Keli ~ What!!!
Brian ~ Don't freak out, remember?
Keli ~ What the bleep are you talking about? (I really said bleep folks)
Brian ~ We were at Deer Camp and Matt cut his pinkie finger on something. They're going to put a few stitches in and then we're coming home.
Keli ~ But Matt leaves for a week camp tomorrow morning. Can he still go with stitches?
Brian ~ KELI! Stop freaking out. He's a boy and he'll be fine.
Keli ~ Brian, please put Matt on the phone, now!
Drew ~ Mom, Matt is getting his finger looked at. I'll take care of him since you're not here, even though he threw up on me.
Keli ~ You're a very brave and wonderful big brother. How bad is it?
Drew ~ Well, there's blood and throw up all over Matt and me.
Keli ~ We can get it cleaned up. Thank you for being there and helping. May I speak to Matt now?
Matt ~ Mom, they put in four cat stitches on my finger and I threw up three times and it got all over me and Drew and the nurse. I can't get my finger wet or dirty until the stitches come out.
Keli ~ OK, baby. Just come home and I'll love on you.
Matt ~ OK, but you might want me to change clothes first.
Brian has no idea how Matt did it, but he sliced open his little finger. I got my boys home, loved on them, and made sure I knew what to tell the nurse at the boy's camp the next day. Remember, he can't get it dirty or wet.
Monday ~ I drop off the boys at camp and made sure that the camp nurse and Matt's counselor know that swimming is out, cannoeing is out, and he needs to wear a baggie on his hand during shower time. They all understand.
Friday ~ I pick up the boys from camp and find out that Matt has won the Belly Buster Contest in the swimming pool, he had a blast in the lake and canoe, he showered with one hand out of the curtain, and knocked a few of the stitches around when he got hit in the dodge ball game.
Honestly, if I survive July it will be a miracle!
I'm so ready to go back to school!
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