Saturday, February 28, 2009

Getting the Swing of Things, or Are We?

The boys and I entered our second 5K this morning. This run/walk benefited the March of Dimes, sponsored by Millsaps. Kara and Kevin participated as well ~ Kara took some pictures that I'll have to add at a later time.

Matt was up at 5:00 this moring ready to run! He is so stinkin' funny! Drew was up at 6:00, a little slower, but wanting to beat Matt BAD! The big discussion at our house was if Matt was going to let Drew finish first or if Matt was going to cheat. Anyway, we get dressed for our run, hoping that we would have enough clothing on ... Drew in t-shirt and running pants, Matt in t-shirt and shorts, and myself in t-shirt and shorts. It was 50 outside before we left but we all felt like we could handle it. WRONG! Who knew that the wind would pick up and the temps would drop and our breath would show and I would expose my children to frostbite!!! My crew ended up wearing our race t-shirts over our other clothes to gain some heat.

As I trudged along, I had a lot of time to think and I've come to the decision that Drew is a long distance runner, he did GREAT on the 5K. In fact, I had to call Drew back several times just so I could keep him in my sights!
Then there's Matt. I think Matt would do well with short sprints. I literally had to pull and drag the poor boy down most of the road, that is until we would come to a group of Sorority Girls from Millsaps (I think today was one of their Service Projects). As soon as Matt got a glimpse of the gals at each station he would let go of my hand, get this HUGE smile on his face, and puff out his chest! It was too funny! Drew and I just shook our heads and said that's Matt for ya!

By the way ... the temp when we crossed the finish line was 45 with the wind chill at -18, no lie. Drew crossed first, I let Matt cross second (there were girls cheering him on, how could I not?) and coming in dead last was good ole Mom. Kevin finished the three miles in something like 30 seconds, or maybe 30 minutes. Kara finished in 35 seconds, minutes, whatever. Team Hill finished in 45 hours, minutes. Someone said that 250 raced and Team Hill came in 190-193, but don't quote me on that. I do know that we had a lot of fun and are already strategizing about our next 5K. Maybe we can get Meg on board with us!