Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When to let go

OK, so my daughter REALLY wants to be on Facebook. She's got it BAD. But notice I said "wants" and not "needs" (I know, that's the mother talking). A further question to ponder is this, do 13-year old's REALLY need to be on Facebook? Aside from hooking up with old friends for a High School reunion, or possibly working a business angle, what's the deal with Facebook? These kids are around each other ALL day at school, almost every prepubescent that I know has their own cell phone with HALF of the Middle School programed in, and they ALL have their own e-mail address. I just feel like I'm yelling in the wind when it comes to Facebook.

So who needs to let go? The mother who is trying to teach her child that it's ok to not have EVERYTHING ever invented in this amazing world or the child who just wants to spread her wings and fly?

Psalm 19:14 ~ May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.


Kevin, Kara, Kolton, & Kannon said...

stay strong, sista, stay strong... (and remember her math grade!!!)

Tate Family said...

Ooooh, I am LOVING the new, springish layout. I say VETO the Facebook plea. That's just my $0.02. :) I'm in your corner, Mama, stay strong.