Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Comedy of Errors or Errors in a Comedy

Brian and I always joke that nothing comes easy for us. No, really, it doesn't. There are those who can make a decision and follow through with it and have no difficulties at all. There are others who can make a decision, meet some resistance, maybe change a few plans, but then it's smooth sailing. We're nowhere near those categories. Have you ever seen Sharks Tale? Remember the scene where Sykes (the car wash boss) places Oscar (the main character) on the list as far as importance in the ocean? And Oscar finds that he is way below whale poo? Well, the Hill's are not whale poo, but, oh man, I forgot where I was going with this. Oh well, I think I'm trying to say that nothing comes easy for us.

Take me going back to school. You would think that a gal returning to college would be a big deal to the institution. You would think that they would have some sort of guidelines to follow when assisting returning students (especially after 13 years, yes I said it...13 years). You would think that someone would say, "Keli, I know it's been awhile since you were last here with us. Let me tell you what you need to do." That person might be out there in LALA Land, but I've yet to bump into them on my journey through the undergrad world. I just want a degree, is that too much to ask?

Apparently, for me, it is. You see, I've spent the last hour and a half (which I'm never getting back by the way) on the phone with a bevy of people at ___ trying to get my classes lined up. Remember when I said that nothing comes easy for us? Here's a prime example. This higher institution could not grant me my classes because they did not have Sherry's graduate work from Ole Miss, plus my Praxis 1 and 2, on file. For those of you who know me, do you see my dilemma? Point A, I've yet to take any Praxis-much less 1 and 2. Point B, to my knowledge, I've never even stepped foot on the Ole Miss campus. Heard it was a great place, just never visited there before. Point C, my name is not Sherry Hill. I've had numerous guises before (Granny Addy, Super Girl Rock Star, Aunt Lili) but somehow Sherry has never popped up. After visiting with half the staff at this wonderful college, I discovered that I had been given the wrong PIN number and my social was on a wrong form. Go figure!

And while I'm lamenting about my crazy morning (I'm really not a fussy person, trust me) let me just go on record as saying that gone are the days when you meet a person face to face and get your degree on track. Everything now is computerized for easy accessibility. This is the former computer assistant speaking, WHATEVER! No wonder people are afraid to return for their degree, because they'll get the 3rd degree! Is all this really necessary?

Hmmm...lots of thinking to do. Praise God for Barq's Root Beer and chocolate!

Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm Back!

It's been one month since I last blogged and boy, what a month it has been! Where to begin? I believe I left off with our family in the process of purchasing a foreclosed house. Well, that house fell through (I really don't hold banks in California in the highest regards). I literally had spent one Monday picking out floorings, carpet samples, paint colors, you name it, I choose it. The kids and I were exhausted! We even cleaned the house! The next day my husband called to inform me that he had found us a new house and a job for me. Long story short, I am the proud owner (we close on our home at 10:00 this morning) of a FANTASTIC home and have a cool job that lets me go to college in the morning and see my school kids in the afternoons. Can my life get any better?
Of course, the journey this summer was not all fun and games. There were several tense and stressful moments. Alot of moving around. Living out of my car for weeks on end - literally - our clothes were in giant rubbermade containers. Each day I would have the kids go out to the car and pick out their outfits. But hey, I'm not complaining. A little inconvience that certainly paid off in the end.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well, it's official. As if 11:30 am on July 10, 2008, we are homeless. Brian and I signed away our perfect home and are now living on the road. Literally. We have some of our things stored at the parsonage in Thomastown, a good bit of goodies in a storage POD (but to perfectly honest I have no clue where that POD is stored) and yes, even things stored in my van. God knew we needed more room in a vehicle when we traded in my beloved Expedition.
Oh, my sweet home in Florence. If ever there was a perfect mesh of living space and family, it was our abode in Florence. Yard, open floor plan, hardwood floors, it had everything we needed, just not the right school district. Brian and I went round and round in the discussion of which to move...schools and kids or houses. Kids won. We made the right decision, it's just difficult letting go of something that you once held so dear. Material possessions, I know, but when you're on the move as much as the Hills, you become attached real quick.
We've made an offer on a house on the Rez, just haven't heard about it yet.
See my red shoes...there's no place like home, there's no place like home.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Simple Times

Ever have one of those days/weeks/whatever when you just can't catch a break? Right now the word in our house is "IF" and is usually attached to the phrase "THIS WORKS". Our house has sold (we sign the contract on the 10th) but we haven't found a place yet. We've got a couple of temporary options but nothing permanent yet. Seeing as how we have to be out of our home on the 6th, let me see, yep, we're getting stressed. I needed to take a breather today and calm's how I accomplished that.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Well, no new house yet. We've got nine days (counting today) to find a new abode and get moved in. If my math still works, we move out on the 6th but don't sign papers until the 10th. That gives us a little wiggle room and it's AMAZING what the Hills can get done with a little wiggle room!
The kids are excited about the move, getting to be closer to their school friends and all that jazz. Brian is beginning to feel stressed, he just wants to take care of his family - he's really good like that. Tex (our Beagle boy dog) is just glad to have his family home for the long as Tex has his kids with him he is a happy camper. Me, it's kinda scary how laid back I am about all this. You would think I would need some Valium to keep me in check. Nope. I really haven't even started packing yet. I told Brian that I would start getting everything together on Monday, that there's no need to rush. HA HA - I won't elaborate on what all he said, it would definitely not get lost in translation.
Call me crazy, but I know the Lord is in this and I just can't wait to see where we'll end up. So many things have come together too easily for us not to be resting in His righteous right hand.
That's my story as of 7:11am on June 27, 2008. I reserve all rights to change my mind at least once every day, um, hour.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hurry Up to Wait

Timeline of the Hill Family:

Thursday, June 12th - Put our house up for sale by owner

Friday, June 20th - Couple signs a contract on our house contingent on selling their house

Saturday, June 21st - Couple places a for sale sign in their yard (3:00pm)

Sunday, June 22nd - Couple sales their house (3:00pm)

Monday, June 23rd - Couple calls us to inform us of their sale. The catch? They must be out of their home on the 10th of July and we need to be out of our house on the 6th of June. That's in two weeks.

Forget the milk, got aspirin?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Cross your fingers

The couple that looked at our house on Tuesday came back over last night to have a second look and sit down with us. Their initial response Tuesday was that it was perfect for them but they really wanted to downsize from their current house. As the week went on, they began to change their minds and decided that ours really would be a perfect match for them (that and their family lives next door to our house ~ how cool is that!).

This nice couple looked over our house last night, and even invited their daughter-in-law over from next door, and then sat down to sign a contract...a contingent contract, but a contract neon-the-less. Brian is ecstatic! The kids are thrilled. I'm on the cautious side.

All they have to do to sell their house is put the sign in the yard.

This sweet couple is under the impression that their house will not be on the market long.

Knowing their real estate agent, I'm inclined to agree with them.

For the sake of the Hill Family, I hope it is sooner rather than later!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Things You Don't Say to Your Wife by Tim Hawkins

This is probably why Brian and I have been married for 14 years. He has followed Tim's advice and never, well, almost never, says the wrong things to me. Now, for those of you who know George (pronounce it as if you're in Mexico) or Nairb (Brian backwards) those guys are notorious for saying crazy things to me.

By the way, George and Nairb are my husbands is no better than the other.

Remember - we're the Hills!

Still Selling

Yep, our house is still for sale. I keep telling myself that it's only been on the market for less than a week, and we've had someone look at it everyday, and more call about it, but that doesn't sign the papers. Know what I mean? I was REALLY hoping for a Killough connection - put it up and sell it quick. This is a great way for the Lord to teach me patience, to just be still, sit back, and watch God work. Frustrated-yes, opportunity for a learning experience-yes, ready to move-yes, going to place it in God's hands-yes, need to fill up on chocolate and Barq's Root Beer-yes!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Humor, God's Style?

Ok, so you know we have to move to the Reservoir, right? Let me fill you in on the few bits of humor, or patience tests, that we've had so far. One of our friends is a real estate man and has agreed to help us. We were all set to put the house on the market a few weeks ago when our agent developed blood poisoning and was put in the hospital for a week. No problem, we'll just place the house "For Sale By Owner" until he's back on his feet (which, praise God, he is now out of the hospital-still has to have an IV everyday and limit his walking but at least he's alive). We take a few more days to work on the house and then we place out the signs on the road. That was Saturday.
Saturday afternoon we leave for Church, not hearing anything from a potential buyer. Sunday evening services are cancelled due to Father's Day so we head home after the morning service. Buy the time we grab drive through at Sonny's BBQ and get to the house it's 2:30. We're starving, our weekend bags have been dropped on the floor, whatever right? WRONG! We get a call that a lady wants to see the house, like NOW! AAAAAGH! Thankfully, Brian buys us until 4:00 which is just enough time to finish eating and hide all the evidence.
Long story, I know, but here's where the "HUMOR" fits in. I send Meg outside with the directions to look at the house as if you've never seen it before. Find anything that's out of place. While she's walking around outside, I'm doing the same inside. When I head into my bedroom, I notice something moving on our bedside tables...ANTS, millions of ants! In the three years we've been in this house, we've NEVER had ant. We don't eat in our room, we don't drink in our room. What's weird is that they were coming in from behind the bed and splitting up to go to the tables; no ants were anywhere bed, no floor, no wall, just tables. I freak out and yell for Brian to come help me. Have I mentioned that Brian had his top two wisdom teeth taken out Friday and was feeling poorly by now? Poor baby, but suck it up, we've got a house to sell!
We are on ant patrol when we hear Meg screaming by the front door. I come running to see how she's dying, yes, it's that type of scream. To my horror she is outside the front door pointing at a BAT! Once again, we've lived here for three years and have NEVER had a bat! Meg's freaking out screaming, "What is that thing? For real, what is that thing?" Here we go again... BRIAN! Have I mentioned how great it is to have a man in the house?
Infestation taken care of, and with a scant two minutes to spare, I throw some cookie dough in the oven for a homey appeal and wallah, here is our prospect. We send the kids around the neighborhood with our dog so we can tour uninterrupted. I know it's hot, but what's a mom to do? The prospect adores the house, loves the neighborhood, thinks it's perfect for her and her husband, yadda, yadda, yadda. Only problem is that her husband is still in Houston and she doesn't want to sign anything without his approval. Understandable. Keli to the rescue...I take some pics and e-mail them to the husband. Cross your fingers. I think the fact that she stayed for a while is a good sign. My poor kids kept calling on Meg's phone asking if it was time to come home, if we forgot about them, if it was ok to die on the road from heat, ect.
Lesson learned? Always keep your head in the game, a sense of humor in your heart, and a bottle of ant poison & bat broom at the ready :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

14 Years

June 4, 1994 2:00pm Pinelake Baptist Church
Brian Evan Hill ~ Keli Denise Tompkins
It's hard to imagine that Brian and I have been married for 14 years! When I think back to all the moves we've made, the children we've had, the Churches we've been involved with, it's amazing. I can't say that's it's been full of fun, but it's been full. Never one to mince words, Brian has helped me to grow, challenged me to think, taken care of me, and never stopped loving me. I think Charlene Frazier on Sugarbakers summed it up best, "My heart is full."

Thanks, B, for being you...all of you, and letting me
be all that I can be.
I can't wait to see what the next 14 years brings us!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Facial Hair Already?

For years I've had the privilege (and no choice) of shopping with all three children in tow. Now that Meg is into this babysitting stage, if feels WONDERFUL to tell the kids that we are going out for a little bit and Meg is in charge. Let me tell you, shopping with just your husband is TOTALLY different that shopping with the kids.
The other day Brian and I were out getting some groceries when Brian saw this gumball machine with fake facial hair and BEGGED me for a quarter. Have you guessed that we're not your typical family? He thought it would be funny for me to come into the house wearing the moustache that he got. The boys freaked out! They took it to the next level and tried to find crazy places to wear it themselves. Sorry, no pictures of Mom with her moustache, I think I'm allergic to cheesy facial hair.

Boys Will Be Boys

As their mom, I can say it, Drew and Matt are active. Never ones to sit still for very long (video games and TV are not permanent fixtures in their lives, thank goodness!
Both are LOVING summer ~ the long hours, the great weather, the bugs...yes bugs, but these I can handle. Lighting Bugs :}

Home Improvement

We're getting ready to put our house on the market. Let's see:

Install a new dish washer...check.

Remove 1970's wall paper in bathroom...check.

Paint said bathroom...check.

Put up a wood fence...check.

New curtains...check.

Install two ceiling fans...check.

Bottle of aspirin...check.

Repeating Psalm 19:14...check.

Time spent with husband on honey-do lists...priceless.

Check out the his and hers ladders as we tackle one of the ceiling fans.

The Change

Ever try getting a house ready to sell, deal with Church stuff, kid stuff, husband stuff, and try not to blow your top at some point in the journet? DIFFICULT! Here's my new remedy that I found, and yes, I've used it ALOT:

Psalm 19:
7 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
8 The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are
radiant, giving light to the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.
10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.
11 By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.
12 Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.
14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

You should try it. The next time you feel a Julia Sugarbaker (Designing Women for all of my 80's junkies) comment flowing from your mouth, switch to verse 14. It's an AWESOME change!

Monday, May 19, 2008

The New Generation

OK, gals, just giving you a heads up.
My daughter is DYING to have her own blog.
She feels this will only help with her writing and communication skills.
Maybe we can negotiate something here.
I give you a blog, you give me a clean room. Even stevens baby :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hide and Seek

I thought I was loosing my mind. For almost a week I couldn't find my camera! For those who know me, that's almost as bad as loosing a purse or chocolate :)
So sit back, relax, grab a root beer and some ding-dongs...I'm making up for lost time, baby!

Entry #1...Summer Magic
The Hill's attend Church a far piece away from our homestead. We try to find something each Sunday afternoon to do as a family. One of the Church members has a nice pond that we can use when weather permits. Here are some great pics of our adventure there:

Entry #2...Rites of Passage

The boys decided they were old enough to shave with Brian one Sunday morning. Talk about a glimpse into the future:

Entry #3...Getting Ready

My extended family is taking a trip to the mountains for a family holiday get-together. My dear, sweet husband has his heart set on snow boarding while there and is now in a rigorous training program. Location~check, the front of our house. Equipment~check, Matt's skateboard and bicycle helmet. Insurance~check, luckily Brian works for Shelter Insurance. Blackmail~check, Keli found her camera just in time:

Entry #4...Making Memories

Brian and the kids bought a tent today while I was getting a long-awaited book signed by Terri Blackstock (Kara, I can't believe I didn't get a picture with her!). As you've probably come to know about the Hill's, we can make an adventure out of almost anything! Give us a backyard and we can transform it into the ultimate camping experience complete with tent, campfire, make-shift table, food cooked over the fire, mosquitoes; you name it, we had it:

Monday, May 12, 2008

Summer anyone?

I thought it would be interesting to see how everyone is planning on enjoying their summer. Here's my list (so far) ...

Five things I want to do:
1. Read an insane amount of books
2. Learn more spanish
3. Build a bookshelf for my insane amount of books
4. Organize our family pictures
5. Watch Kolton

Five things I have to do:
1. Move
2. Enroll at school
3. Head up our Vacation Bible School at Church
4. Finish writing and teaching our children's summer choir program at Church
5. Get Kolton

Five things I am not going to do:
1. Stress
2. Have more than one coke a week
3. Stay tanless
4. Regret anything I do/don't do
5. Keep Kolton

Happy Mother's Day

I hope all of you lovely ladies had a wonderful day yesterday. As for myself, I claimed the WHOLE weekend as MY day. In fact, at the conclusion of Church yesterday morning we sang "This is the Day" but for some reason Meg didn't care for my version..."This is my day, this is my day, that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made. I will rejoice, I will rejoice, and be glad in it, and be glad in it. This is my day, it is Mother's Day, I am happy 'cause I'm K-e-l-i. This is my day, this is my day, this is Mother's Day." Yea me!

Mom, Meg is DEFINITELY my girl; she asked me how many Mother's Day's I've had. No lie! Straight faced as she could she asked how many times I've celebrated Mother's Day. When I finally set Meg straight on how her birth and the number of years I've enjoyed Mother's Day are connected, Meg was speechless. Her reply? "I can usually talk my way out of stupid talk, but I feel really dumb with this one. I just thought you added all of our ages together." And guess who jumped on that one...Matt. His response? "Um, Meg, if you add all our ages together you get 27 and Mom's only 35. That means she would have had to have us when she was 8!" Have I mentioned that Matt LOVES to do math in his head? Much to his sister's dismay, I might add!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Get with it, Mom

My baby girl took me to the woodshed tonight due to my lack of blogging. Apparently, she can't read my mind any better than I can read hers and the only way she can get into my head and know my true thoughts is to read the blog. Hello, ever heard of listening when I'm giving you all those pearls of wisdom? OMG, Meg! You so crazy :) So, Meg, this one's for you...

I was a little sneaky today, sweetie. Sometimes Moms do think of themselves first. Want to know why I didn't care for your first choice of shoes? I was buying YOU shoes that I would wear, literally. If the shoes weren't going to grace my feet, I wasn't putting the money down. Care to know something else? I've got my eyes on a certain pair of earrings in your room. Still think you want a sister?

When my children were younger, there were days when I was majorly reconsidering my sanity. In my opinion, God had a huge sense of humor and I was His target. Through the years, many sage women would tell me to enjoy this time because it would soon pass, leaving me with memories, gray hair, and stress lines. They were right.
The other night the kids gave me a glimpse into the past, but in a way that might just surprise you. Meg decided to clean the kitchen after supper , Matt took out the trash, and Drew swept the kitchen floor. I sat there watching those little Hills and took a mental picture. That used to be me doing all those things for the three for them. My, how rolls reverse.

When my future holds days of busyness and tension; when one task slips by only to quickly be replaced by another; when I feel as if I'm sewing Jell-O to pudding, my precious babies, now quite grown up, have made me a very blessed woman. I may joke with them, about them, and to them, but I love them. I am proud of who they are and what they are and what I know they will be. I love you more than you love me and no take backs!

How do you really feel?

I was thumbing through all my fav. blogs and ran across some interesting info.
My fellow worker-girl, Kristen Wells, and I were married on the same day.
No kidding. June 4th must be a lucky day.
But get this, I was married 11 years, YEARS, before Kristen!
If I wasn't so in love with my age, I would feel pretty old right now.
It's kinda cool to tell people you're 35 and see their reaction.
As long as I've got chocolate and Clairol, I'm gonna kick it until I'm 100.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Show me 5

Has it really been that many weeks since I've last blogged? I promise I'm not that neglectful of my family, well, not all of the time. At least the kids are old enough to take care of themselves! Have I mentioned that Meg is a great cook on the grill, Drew is getting the hang of laundry, and Matt, well, he does good just keeping his clothes on :)

I was getting familiar with all my friends and their blogs when I realized that I had been tagged. Just in case you were needing some great information on Keli, here are a few basic facts about me:

5 things that WERE on my to-do-list today:
1. Exercise this morning - I did walk to my chocolate bucket twice, but I don't think that really counts
2. Begin printing over 500 invitations, 85 diplomas, and about a bagillion programs for our 5th Grade Graduation
3. Mop my floors at school - I realize we have very capable janitors to do this, I'm just very particular about who bumps around the Computer Lab
4. Bathe my 4th child - Big Tex Ranger Hill
5. Mop my floors at home

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate covered cashews
2. Hot, buttered popcorn with peanut M&M's mixed in
3. Cheesecake bites from Sonic
4. Little Debbie brownies
5. Awesome French Fries with Ranch from Oby's (chased with a Root Beer)

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Tithe
2. Erase all our debt
3. Set aside money for my kids' car
4. Set aside money for my kids' college
5. Build a sound-proof library filled with my favorite books, comfy chairs, lots of chocolate, and Cherry Dr. Peppers and/or Barq's Root Beer in a cute pink fridge

5 bad habits (I suppose I'm to fill this with mine and not my husbands):
1. I forget about life when I have a book in my hands, for real. When I begin a book I will literally stay up all night and read it from cover to cover
2. I'm a hopeless planner (thanks parental figures!)
3. I think I have a named disease where I start one project but then am easily side-tracked with another one
4. Sometimes I sleep with my glasses on - explanation time. I'm like scary blind and get a little freaked out at night when I can't see what's going on. My husband HATES it, but it makes be feel safe, so there :)
5. Placing others ahead of me, almost to the point of neglecting areas of my life that I need to concentrate on

5 places I have lived (although it might be easier to list those places I haven't lived):
1. Dallas, Texas
2. New Orleans, Louisiana
3. Pelahatchie, Mississippi
4. Jenks, Oklahoma
5. Florence, Mississippi

5 jobs I have had:
1. Day Care worker at FBC Brandon, Mississippi
2. Secretary at Cable in the Country in Clinton, Mississippi
3. Mothers' Day Out Worker in New Orleans, Louisiana
4. Assistant Librarian in Flowood, Mississippi
5. Assistant Computer Lab Person in Flowood, Mississippi

5 people I want to know more about (I apologize if you've already been tagged. As I've stated earlier, I'm a little behind on the blog world):
1. Sarah Smitherman
2. Emily Witcher
3. Monique McGonagill
4. Emily Tate
5. Anne Elisabeth Peacock

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Another wild hair

Crazy me came up with another zany idea, only this time I brought back up!
I convinced Sharon Ryan (got to give her credit for hanging with me on this) to join me at the US 96.3 radio station at 7:30 Tuesday morning.
I had it in my mind that we would invite hosts Karen Lowe and Scott Steele to do a live show during NWRE's Family Walk Night on the 28th of this month.
Picture this now, Sharon dressed up in our school's Cougar outfit, me holding 4 dozen HOT Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, and 6 kids all bombarded the station. When Meg passed out the fliers for Family Walk Night and Marshall Madness, Marshall Madness got the most attention. We were even asked to speak about Marshall Madness on the radio (Sharon did a fabulous job with that) and the kids gave their best impersonation of a cougar growl.

In my most humblest opinion, US 96.3 - and Scott & Karen - have got it going on! They didn't have to speak to us, didn't even have to take the donuts we brought. But they did...and they brought us back to their "room" like we were old friends! Way to go, guys!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

When you want what you've never had ~ you must do what you've never done

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let now your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
Well, I took a HUGE step today and did not sign my intent at school.
Take a breath, Keli.
I am going back to big school in the fall, MC to be exact. As my kids say, "Mom's going back to school to learn how to be a teacher."
Breath in, breath out, Keli.
I can honestly say that this is one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make.
Hang in there, girl.
I just knew that if I didn't go through with it this time, I would never finish my degree.
I have tried to go back to school, about 4 times. I've even applied, got financial aid going, the whole works. Funny thing ~ it just wasn't God's plan. Each and every time I would get my ducks in a row, we would find out we were moving or that I was pregnant. No lie.
God got my attention in a big way!
Brian and I have been talking and PRAYING, like forever,
about me making this move and we just knew.
The time is now.
I was so terrified about stepping out of my comfort zone, about moving away from my NWRE family, about leaving behind all that I feel I'm known for.
Crazy, right?
Me, Keli Hill, infamous mover
(I've been married for almost 14 years and we've moved 8 times
in three different states), is petrified of taking a different road.
I must need my head examined.
It is my goal in life to have stability for my family. An outsider might look at the Hill's and wonder how we can be on the go so much of our life. We live in one city, Brian works in another, the kids and I go to school in yet another city, and still our Church is an hour and a half away.
We are gypsies.
But if you look a little closer, each time we make a "chess move", it is with the ultimate goal of consolidating our life. I can honestly say that I have found the end of the tunnel and a bright and glorious light awaits me. No, I'm not dying, not that type of light.
I think that's what the Hill's are craving. That's what God is leading us towards.
That's what my light looks like.
Today I went to school without a heavy weight. I could take a cleansing breath, shake my head, and know that I'm doing God's right thing. For my husband. For my kids.
For myself.
Others might question the saneness of our decisions ~ have I mentioned that we now have to move to keep the kids at NWRE. For real. Like we HAVE to move this summer.
But you know what, I fall back on my new favorite life-line,
"Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind."
Someone at school asked me today if I was coming back. You bet. She asked if that was a promise or a threat. My response? If there's on opening, it's a promise. If there's not, it's a threat. Hey little sis, keep something on the back burner for me.
Snap, I need a tissue!


OK, I'll spill the beans about Saturday night with the Killoughs. I'm still shaking my head at my crazy expectations.
Many of you wouldn't guess this, but my sweet - very redneck husband - Brian, is a member of the Richland Rotary Club. I'm not really sure who or how many Rotary Clubs were involved with this plan, but somehow and someway we were told that the Harlem Globetrotters were coming to Brandon. That's right folks, the Harlem Globetrotters! Actually their B-Team, but the team nonetheless. Every Rotary member was to sell tickets with all proceeds going towards the March of Dime (I think). Kara jumped on board with me, both of us thinking that we could get some ideas to use for our school's Marshall Madness Basketball Benefit.
I immediately knew something was wrong when we pulled into the Brandon High School parking lot and there were very little cars. VERY LITTLE! Dun, dun, dun. Then, we got a glimpse of the Harlem players, all 5 of them.
Come to find out it's not the Harlem Globetrotters but the Harlem Ambassadors! The only resemblance between the two ~ the red/white/blue basketball and the name Harlem. That's where it ends. Their team consisted of 4 guys and one gal, who was the coach. They had one, 1, uno, lapel mic that they rotated to whomever needed it. They did bring an announcer who also doubled as their music technician on a laptop and speaker beater, yes speaker beater. The Harlem Ambassadors had brought one speaker that had a short in it so every few minutes the announcer would run over there and shake/beat it.
Poor Kolton was running a fever and DROOLING a puddle everywhere (he's still the cutest thing ever). Lucky sis and family got to leave early. My family had to stay until close to the end.
I hate to say it but NWRE ladies could definitely teach the Harlem Ambassadors a few things about basketball and entertainment. You ain't lived until you've seen our teachers play it out on the court!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

You or me

OK, Kara, should I tell everyone about Saturday night or would you like to have that pleasure?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Those little moments

Looking back, it's been a while since I wrote anything of substance. I think today would be a fine day to remedy that problem. The kids are entertaining themselves, which could lead to future problems but at the moment I just don't care. I'm blogging. Yep, words refresh me.
The boys are playing soccer this year, on the same team if you can imagine that. Their first game was the other day and I can honestly say that I've NEVER laughed harder during a sporting event than when I was watching their game.
If you've never met Matt, he's Tigger re-incarnate. That boy doesn't walk, he jumps EVERYWHERE! I don't think he made a move on the field that didn't include at least one hop. Most of the time he kept his hands in his pockets and skipped down the fields, WAY behind the rest of the players. Too funny. This is also the child that LOVES to spell words. His latest word to spell is "Eugene" but why he picked that name to attempt is beyond me. Care to know how he spells "Eugene"..."youjean". How can you correct that?
Drew was a hoot to watch on the field as well, but for entirely different reasons. He is such a caregiver and nurturer. When one boy from the other team got hurt, Drew took it upon himself to walk the boy over to his coach ~ patting the boy and trying to comfort him the whole way. When another child fell and wouldn't get up, Drew was the one to tell the whole field,
and I mean the WHOLE field, to take a knee.
That leaves me with Meg. Where, oh where, do I begin. Have you ever eaten a ton of your favorite food and then felt sick? It tastes great in the moment but leaves you with a bad taste afterwards. Life with a pre-teen is like that. I have never experienced so much laughter with my sweet girl only to be followed by a significant mood swing that left a horrible taste in my mouth. At this point in her life, she could be in a Sci-Fi movie and win an Oscar for her performance. Got to love that girl! Right now she is fascinated with a moustache on her face that quite frankly, only she can see. Just proves my point.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Short but sweet

I'm supposed to be cleaning my house right now (don't tell my husband) but instead am curled up with a good book. It's beautiful outside, there's a pleasant breeze flowing through my house, I can hear the boys in the backyard laughing with the neighborhood kids, and Meg is giving me a few minutes of peace and quiet. Aaaww ~ serenity...why waste that on cleaning!
I've come across a line in this book that states, "The ones that mind don't matter and the ones that matter don't mind." How true is that! Be yourself, be an original, be true.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Come on, guys!

Ok, time for a little venting.
This is not my normal perky post but I am deeply disturbed by what I am witnessing in today's society, and quite frankly, how it is trying to change how we live as the Hill Family.

I am just plain tired of having to remind my kids that just because so-and-so has something, doesn't mean you should too. But what is really getting to me is the amount and type of "things" other parents are buying for their kids. Since when do kids need I-Pods AND MP3 Players AND every video game player imaginable AND Razor phones AND ginormous TV's WITH DVD players PLUS digital cameras in their rooms, all at the same time? And what really gets to me is how those "priviledged children" look down on my kids for not having all that is expected. It's not unuasual for someone to make the comment to my kids (and even to me), "I can't believe you don't have this" or "You mean your parents haven't bought you that?" What happend to teaching kids the value of money instead of buying into their every whim? How do you expect to top the next gift if you're still paying off the last? What happens when your child grows up and suddenly faces that harsh reality that no one is going to give them their every latest crave.

I'm sorry, but it sickens me to see YOUNG kids being so picky because this doesn't boast the correct name or that doesn't have the right dollar amount attached to it.
And don't even say the words, "I'm bored" to me. P-L-EASE!
Whatever happend to being thankful for what you have?
Or this one ... that's it's OK to say no to our kids once in a while?
Here's one, how about spending time with the family instead of sending everyone to their own corners of the house and hope all is ok with them?
Are we really doing our children a favor by being their friends instead of their parents?
Are we really so concerned with appearances that we push valuable life-lessons out the door, regarding them as old-fashioned and out-of-date,
something that won't possibly work with this current generation?

Not that anything new is wrong, but can we try a little moderation and see if that works?
Call me crazy, but I think in our moving towards a new and better life, we are fast loosing what our families need most ... each other.

Joshua 24:15 (New International Version)
"Then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.
But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
Notice that the verse says "me AND my house." We are all in this together!


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tag, I'm it

So apparently there is this tag game floating around blogville and I'm it. Hang in there folks because these are my 7 Random Things that you didn't know, and probably wouldn't have even guessed, about Keli Denise Tompkins Hill. Anda heeerree we go...

1. I've been married 14 years and have moved 8 times. Since I became a Hill, I've lived in 3 different states, a duplex, an apartment, a parsonage, and of course the Hill Mobile-I'm really a gypsie in disguise.

2. Oh, here's a good one. One of the houses we've lived in was haunted. I promise. Weird things happened that were TOTALLY out of any explanation realm. Let's just say that after I moved in I found out that the previous owner's wife had died in the house and that's why he was moving. Creepy!

3. I am a book nerd. If I find a book that is interesting, I will bury myself inside the covers until I finish. I do take care of my kids at some point, just not mother of the year worthy. It's nothing for me to pick up a book when the kids go to sleep and stay up all night until I finish it. I LOVE READING!

4. I have a tremendous fear of heights. At this point in my randomness I need to apologize to my former vehicle, Fionna the Ford Expedition, for the damage I inflicted on her door handle during our family trip to the mountains this summer. My husband thought my freak-outs HILARIOUS until I broke Fionna's handle. Sorry ole' girl, my bad.

5. I hate feet. Don't touch my feet, don't put your feet in my personal space ... feet just bad!

6. I am going to donate my body to science when I die. We move around too much to have a personal burial plot, that, and I wouldn't be a very good hostess if someone did come to visit me. In addition to that morbid fact, science really needs to know the effects of chocolate on ones body -and what better a body to study than mine?!?!

7. On New Year's Eve our family likes to blow up our Christmas Tree.
Here's the 411:

  • Get a big tree.
  • Water as little as possible while still staying well within the fire safety codes.
  • On New Year's Eve take your brittle tree out into an open field (a VERY open field) and insert the tree into a snug hole to keep the not-so-evergreen stable during its assult.
  • Load that sucker down with every imaginable firework you can lay your hands on. My advise is to keep all rockets pointing in an upward direction (trust me, bad past experience). The more firepower the better.
  • Light the tree and run Forrest, run! It is so cool!

Ok, so now you've got the inside scoop on my life. Rubbing my hands together in a sinister fashion, I now pick Katie and Charlotte as my tag victims. Have fun and make it good ladies!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

True Brothers

I was in the kitchen working and just happen to overhear Matt talking to his brother behind me. Apparently, someone was misbehaving and Matt took it upon himself to deliver "the pep talk". As I was standing there listening (I didn't want to turn around and ruin the moment ) to Matt speak of calming down and thinking before you act (it really was sweet), out of the corner of my eye I noticed Drew walk past the front windows outside. I had one of those movie thinking moments...if Drew was outside, and Matt was inside, and Matt was talking to his brother, who was the brother? Slowing turning around so as not to bring attention to myself, my heart stopped. Matt had our Beagle dog, Tex, on the couch delivering the most precious parent sermon I have ever heard or given! I love it when you can capture one of those moments on film. The best part is that my two "boys" never knew I took the picture, they, or rather Matt, went right along with his sermon.

Can you see the offending toy by Tex's feet? If I heard Matt correctly, Tex went into Matt's room and nabbed the goods, only to take off running with it. I personally think Tex was trying to get Matt to play with him. Matt, unfortunately, did not see it that way.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Southern Snow

So, all last night my kids were talking about the possibility of snow. They were planning on staying up ALL night long to watch for snow, they were strategizing about the best outfit to wear to achieve optimum snow play, they were discussing who would be the first one to receive a phone call when they saw snow ... you get the picture.

I, on the other hand, was planning on sleeping in late and enjoying a nice, peaceful day.
At 6:30 this morning my boys were SHAKING me awake to come and see
the snow with them! They were SO happy!
Forget getting properly dressed, we just HAD to get some pictures before the snow melted.
It really is pretty outside and man, is it coming down :)

"Our first Mississippi snow"

"This is the BEST day EVER!"

"I'm making the first snowball""This is totally cool trampoline"
"Now this is how you make a snowball, Drew"

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tossin' the cookies ...

... AND THEN SOME! Matt was sick last night. :(
I mean VERY sick.
For real, he was gross sick!
Did you ever see the Eddie Murphy movie, Daddy Day Care?
Remember the restroom scene? Eddie looked one way with a horrified expression on his face, only to turn and look the other way, and then down, and then up. That was me.
My poor baby ~ he had to have lost half his body weight with one blow (no pun intended).

That's Matt waiting patiently for me to get the "sick couch" ready for him.

Happy Birthday to me!

Tuesday, January 8th was my birthday. I had the BEST birthday EVER! I knew my day was going to be special when my sons prayed the night before that I would have a good birthday.
It was so sweet to listen to them ~ tears!

I spent my birthday surrounded by flowers, thoughtful wishes, Little Willie's, Barq's Root Beer, chocolate cake, sweet hugs, and many "Happy New Year" from a Kindergarten class at school! Hearing that announcement from those precious kids got me to thinking...isn't that what we should be focusing on? Not that we are one year older, but that we are blessed to live another year with those that we love, doing the things we love, and giving love.
It is a new year for us. Does that make sense?
I am so proud of my 35 years! Yes, I am now 35 years great! So, I need to rephrase my title to "Happy New Year to me" :)

Yes, they can be hired out for parties. You should have heard their opera version!

Hunters - R - Us

Matt and Brian went hunting the other day and came back with a surprise for me. Hunting for those two is really a code word for male bonding. If you know my son, quiet and still are not his strongest characteristics! Love the kid, but he has more energy in his jaw bone than I have EVER had in my 35 years (but that's another blog).

Imagine my "happiness" when Matt brought me his treasure...right into my kitchen...swinging from his hands! He was SO proud of that rabbit, and Brian was the one that killed it!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

My, my, time sure flies!

It's finally here, time to go back to school.
Gone are the days of sleeping in and staying up late.
No more eating when you want and the optional shower (just kidding).
Make-up is a must and you better make sure you have enough change for the coke machine ~ LOVE caffeine!
Deep breath in...deep breath out. Here we go ladies!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Family Fun

January 1, 2008 saw the Hill family (well, three of us anyway) funning it up with the Killough family at Gattitown. I took my boys and hooked up with the 3-K's and man, did we have a ball! It was hard to tell just who had the most fun, the adults or kids. Kristin, the next time you guys head this way I think a trip to Gattitown is DEFINATELY in order!!!