Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Those little moments

Looking back, it's been a while since I wrote anything of substance. I think today would be a fine day to remedy that problem. The kids are entertaining themselves, which could lead to future problems but at the moment I just don't care. I'm blogging. Yep, words refresh me.
The boys are playing soccer this year, on the same team if you can imagine that. Their first game was the other day and I can honestly say that I've NEVER laughed harder during a sporting event than when I was watching their game.
If you've never met Matt, he's Tigger re-incarnate. That boy doesn't walk, he jumps EVERYWHERE! I don't think he made a move on the field that didn't include at least one hop. Most of the time he kept his hands in his pockets and skipped down the fields, WAY behind the rest of the players. Too funny. This is also the child that LOVES to spell words. His latest word to spell is "Eugene" but why he picked that name to attempt is beyond me. Care to know how he spells "Eugene"..."youjean". How can you correct that?
Drew was a hoot to watch on the field as well, but for entirely different reasons. He is such a caregiver and nurturer. When one boy from the other team got hurt, Drew took it upon himself to walk the boy over to his coach ~ patting the boy and trying to comfort him the whole way. When another child fell and wouldn't get up, Drew was the one to tell the whole field,
and I mean the WHOLE field, to take a knee.
That leaves me with Meg. Where, oh where, do I begin. Have you ever eaten a ton of your favorite food and then felt sick? It tastes great in the moment but leaves you with a bad taste afterwards. Life with a pre-teen is like that. I have never experienced so much laughter with my sweet girl only to be followed by a significant mood swing that left a horrible taste in my mouth. At this point in her life, she could be in a Sci-Fi movie and win an Oscar for her performance. Got to love that girl! Right now she is fascinated with a moustache on her face that quite frankly, only she can see. Just proves my point.


Kevin, Kara, Kolton, & Kannon said...

Yep, that's my niece and nephews...LOVE them!!! Can't wait to catch Tigger on the soccer field and hopefully Drew will score another goal!