Friday, June 27, 2008


Well, no new house yet. We've got nine days (counting today) to find a new abode and get moved in. If my math still works, we move out on the 6th but don't sign papers until the 10th. That gives us a little wiggle room and it's AMAZING what the Hills can get done with a little wiggle room!
The kids are excited about the move, getting to be closer to their school friends and all that jazz. Brian is beginning to feel stressed, he just wants to take care of his family - he's really good like that. Tex (our Beagle boy dog) is just glad to have his family home for the long as Tex has his kids with him he is a happy camper. Me, it's kinda scary how laid back I am about all this. You would think I would need some Valium to keep me in check. Nope. I really haven't even started packing yet. I told Brian that I would start getting everything together on Monday, that there's no need to rush. HA HA - I won't elaborate on what all he said, it would definitely not get lost in translation.
Call me crazy, but I know the Lord is in this and I just can't wait to see where we'll end up. So many things have come together too easily for us not to be resting in His righteous right hand.
That's my story as of 7:11am on June 27, 2008. I reserve all rights to change my mind at least once every day, um, hour.