Monday, December 31, 2007

A Christian New Year's Resolutions

How can I use the New Year to better serve my Lord?
I’ll read my Bible every day, and be more in accord.
I’ll find new ways to serve others; I’ll love my neighbor, too.
I’ll focus on "give" instead of "get" in everything I do.
I’ll forgive the people I’m mad at; angry feelings I’ll discard;
I’ll try to love my enemies, even though it’s hard.
In the new year, I’ll lift people up, instead of putting them down.
I’ll fill my heart with love and joy, and never wear a frown.
I’ll let go of my worries; I’ll put it all in His hands;
I’ll repent and try to sin less, and obey all His commands.
These new year’s resolutions are difficult, at best,
But there’s something I can do each day that will put my soul at rest:
I’ll love my Lord with all my heart, with all my mind and soul,
And if I do that essential thing, all the rest will be in control.
By Joanna Fuchs

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Don't let the dust settle on anything, that's me. Heavy rotation, that's my life (um, but not with you Brian). I think I change blog designs almost (ALMOST) as much as I change purses and move furniture! Why get into a rut? There's so many cool things to discover out there...step outside of your box!


You will find the babe wrapped in swaddling cloths,
lying in a manger.
Luke 2:12

"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds my future; and life is worth the living just because He lives."

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes

OK ~ so I've thought long and hard over this decision. I normally don't place other children on my blog (parental reasons) but I just had to show this video that I made for our kids' Christmas program. While I love all of the responses, I have to admit that my favorite clip is the last one. It is too cute!

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Elves are in the Hill House!

Just had to do this for my out-of-state family. Aunt Carol Jean and Mama, this one's for you:

Just the facts, Ma'am

For those of you who have yet to meet my husband, Brian has the DRIEST humor in the known world! Our family went grocery shopping the other day, crazy for the Saturday before Christmas but it had to be done. We were getting some bananas when this "sweet" older lady approached us. She was greatly concerned about the small size of some of the bananas. When she questioned me about them, I respectfully told her that they were plantains and they are meant to be small. She became so flustered and once again questioned me ~ this time about whether they were edible or not. Brian popped up at this point and replied, "Little monkeys eat them" and then we walked away. You should have seen her face!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Christmas Laugh

We had our children's Christmas program Sunday night. As the preacher's wife, the duty of children's choir director fell on my lap. No problem...just write a few lines for each child, have the kids sing a couple of songs, throw in a song for the congregation to sing, add a diddy with our kids playing their handbells (oh yes, we may be a small time Church but we have BIG time talent), and don't forget the mini movie.
I got CHILLS just watching the kids transform from a group of 13 nervous wrecks (ages 3 to 12) to a true performing troup! They were perfect!
The only thing I regret is that I didn't have it taped.
Maybe next year; I'll have to make myself a sticky note, right Mom?
Here are three excerpts from our mini movie.

That's my kids ~ honest to the core!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Fun Times!

This week has FLOWN by! I can't believe that we have to go back to school on Monday! Here's some pics from the Hill/Tompkins Thanksgiving Celebrations:
Here's Meg with Brian's mom, Julia. Doing the bonding thing while making jewlery.
Granny Hill (she's 86), Brian, and Meg. It was fun to get to see everyone. Brian's family all live on "the farm" ~ all of his aunts, uncles, grandmother, and parents live on the same homestead. Definately makes visiting the family easy!
The happy cooks at the Hill House. Who says you can't have enough cooks in the kitchen.
Lil' sis ~ that was the BEST Seafood Bisque I've had yet! Such a great Thanksgiving meal, thanks for the suggestion!
Lovin' Cousins
Beauty sleep is definately in order after spending the day shopping with the gals (and our chaperone Kolton). Since Brian went hunting before the rooster even thought about waking up, I curled up with the next best thing!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Have I stated lately just how much I love my job and those I work with?
I am very thankful for those ladies (and a few precious gents) and can't wait to see
what the rest of the year has in store for us.
Philippians 4:11 (King James Version)
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, to be content.

B-Man hits 38!

Brian had his dreaded birthday yesterday. Actually, EVERY birthday for Brian is dreaded...he HATES getting older. I, on the other hand, embrace every new year. How did we ever hook up?

Red Velvet cake and a cup of milk, could life get any better than this?

Might small piece of cake, you deserve a BIGGER one!

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Feast

Our Church had its Thanksgiving Feast last night. I've NEVER seen so much food in one place. It was delicious!
Brian's birthday is the 19th and there is a sweet lady, Vena Pearl, whose birthday was the 17th. They both thanked everyone for coming to their birthday celebration last night, HA HA! Mrs. Vena Pearl turned 83 and Brian will turn 38 ~ they are pictured together with Brian trying to steal a kiss. I've never heard a seasoned woman giggle like Mrs. Vena Pearl did when she saw what Brian was trying to do...I think she has a little cruch on the Preacher! I need to keep my eye on those two!

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Hallelujah !

Matt was baptised yesterday at Church. It was an extra special day in that his Dad did the honors; Brian was blessed to baptise all three of our kids! It was such a neat experience for our family.
Congrats Matt Matt !

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Sunday, November 18, 2007


These are my two favorite songs...the first by Sarah Groves, the second a hymn. One day I will learn how to add music to this page.

Sarah Groves ~
Morning by morning I wake up to find
the power and comfort of God's hand in mine.
Season by season I watch Him amazed,
in awe of the mystery of His perfect ways.

All I have need of His hand will provide.
He's always been faithful to me.

I can't remember a trial or a pain
He did not recycle to bring me gain.
I can't remember one single regret
in serving God only and trusting His hand.

All I have need of His hand will provide,
He's always been faithful to me.

This is my anthem, this is my song,
the theme of the stories I've heard for so long.
God has been faithful, He will be again.
His loving compassion, it knows no end.

All I have need of His hand will provide,
He's always been faithful to me.

Hymn ~
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving !

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A little visit from Leisure Land

Halloween Day the faculty at our school joined Granny Addy and came to school in style! I hooted louder that day than ever before. There were a couple of teachers that had me stumped at their true identities until they spoke. Here's a glimpse at what the kids had to learn from:
Suga' Mamma & Granny Addy...Hmmm, they look famaliar...
That's where I've seen them!

Suga' Mamma (aka ~ Assistant Principal Killough)

Our friendly, albeit slow, Administration

Would you believe this is our Principal and Custodian?

The crew from "Leisure Land Retirement Village"

Where do I start?

It seems like ages ago since I last added to this blog. Wait, it HAS been ages! So much has happened but here are the highlights:

We've had yet another birthday. Meg turned 12 and was treated to a Southern game with two of her friends, compliments of her Aunt Kara & Uncle Kevin

I was honored to babysit my precious nephew while his parents were at the game ~

Matt is such a wonderful cousin sitter

Drew and Kolton swap "Mom Stories"

    Even Uncle B-Man gets in on the fun!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Sweetest Sound

I'm the type of person who doesn't like to lay around when I'm awake. It's not unusual to find me up-&-at-em at 3:00 am (this morning for instance). I'm finding that in those mornings when I'm up before every other normal person, there's a reason.

So I'm folding laundry just now and hear this noise coming from the boys' room. Knowing they HOARD sleep whenever possible I slip in to see what' up. I trail the noise to Matt's bed just in time to see his face pressed in the slats of his loft bed ~ a HUGE Cheshire cat smile on his face! That strange noise? Something in Matt's sleep has him tickled. Not the soft chuckle of a good joke, mind you, but the type of laugh that has your whole body moving! You just never know what you'll encounter with my kids!

Thanks, Lord, for giving me such a great thing to wake up to. And just think, if I had slept in I would have missed the sweetest sound in the world!

"God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me."
Genesis 21:6
(If it's good enough for Sarah, it's good enough for me!)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Barely Surviving...Literally

So Matt had his 7th birthday party today, a Survivor one just like his brother. Where everything went right for Drew's in the set-up, everything went WRONG for Matt's! Let's just say that Kara is not the only one in the family to have car difficulties.
I ended up with a flat tire on the way to Matt's party! Yes, a flat. Not a problem, I think, just whip into the nearest gas station and fill it up. First, I don't have correct change. When I went inside to get change, the attendant informed me that the air pump didn't work. GREAT! As I was walking back to my car a very nice gentleman came to my rescue. He just happened to have bought an air pressure pump and it was in his truck. Thank you, Jesus! As he was unpacking the equipment he noticed that the hose was not included. Very funny, God. So I call Brian to see if he can come to my aid. Today is Richland Day and since Brian sells Shelter Insurance in Richland, he had a tent set up and was doing business. Being the loving husband that he is he dropped everything, jumped on his white horse (actually into his white truck), and came right away. By this time it is 2:00 and the party started at 2:00.
I got on the phone to see if my sweet sis can hold down the fort until I get there. Kara, you are a LIFESAVER! Brian shows up, I throw all of my gear and the boys in his truck, and then peel out. I finally get to the party at 2:30 and had a blast! I think there were 17 kids that showed up. We had team challenges, physical challenges, food challenges, buffs, a pinata, cake and boy, do I need an aspirin! Matt had fun ~ that's what it's all about.
I'm sure the angels and the Lord were just sitting around on the clouds, their legs dangling over the edge, eating popcorn and drinking root beer, all having a huge laugh over my dilemmas! I can just see God elbowing his fellow angels saying, "Watch this, it gets better!" One of my favorite sayings is this, "If you want to hear God laugh just tell Him what you've got planned." I think my day was just full of laughter, all the way around!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The loves of my life

"Every child born into the world is a thought of God, an ever fresh and radiant possibility"
Kate Douglas Wiggin
Matt ~ 6

Drew ~ 7

Meg ~ 11

My Inspiration

Many of you have asked me what my husband must be like to put up with a gal as CRAZY as I am. Brian is a wonderful man, extremely hard working (he's a bi-vocational pastor), a man who would do ANYTHING for his family. But, hiding behind that tough, manly exterior is a mate that's perfect for Keli Hill. May I introduce my husband, Brian Hill...

Friday, October 19, 2007

Family Ties

It always AMAZES me when people at school find out that Kara and I are sisters. They are just floored! After the "secret" is out, they can see the resemblance and just chuckle. I wonder how many teachers at school know there's another one out in Texas? Hint...we are birth order. This is my favorite pic of us gals, it brings to mind this verse...Ecclesiastes 4:12 "And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart." (New American Standard Bible)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

SUPER slide anyone?

I finally found my video from THE BEST VACATION EVER! We went to Asheville, NC (Sliding Rock to be specific) and made some Hill family history. This is the coolest, literally, slide in the world. You would think that in JULY the water temp. would be perfect. NOT! The water was 49 and FREEZING! One man went into shock as he hit the water ~ no lie! Did that stop our adventurous family? No way! Let me set up the scene...Brian is at the bottom right of the screen and is the first one to hit the water as soon as the video plays. Meg is second down, middle of the screen, and gets out of there as soon as she can. Too funny, she breezes by her Dad, not even stopping to chat! Drew is last (he couldn't find a good spot to make the ultimate splash) leaving poor Dad to wait in the water until Drew comes down - got to give my hubby props for waiting in that frigid water for his son, what a Dad!

This is a natural water slide that is part of some nature park I believe. I went down Sliding Rock as a Senior in High School. Back then they didn't have the hand rail on the left to hold on to as you climbed up. The slide now has a life guard on duty, something else they have added since my first sliding days. I kept pumping up this place, telling the kids how awesome it is to slide down this really cool nature made incline and splash into a deep pool...there were even fish swimming around you! How many times can a parent take their child back in time and share/make a memory with them? Precious mental snapshot.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

We Survived!

One of Drew's favorite TV shows is Survivor so that became the theme of his party. The setting was the park, the Tribes were Ooga and Booga, the theme was Outwit~Outplay~Outlast~Season 8. We had different colored buffs (bandannas) for each tribe, individual and tribal challenges, rewards, and prizes. And the best part was that 12 kids showed up! Grant it some were siblings to those who were invited but I was not about to turn ANYONE away!

I think it was the perfect balance of organized activities and free play on the playground. Those kids were moving for a solid 2 hours in CRAZY heat but they had the best time! The icing even melted off the cake, that's how hot it was! I don't know who had the most fun ~ the kids or myself!

Thanks, Drew, for being the BESTEST birthday boy in the world! I love you more than you love me and no take backs!

Saturday, October 6, 2007


This summer our family took our very first non-work related vacation. It was the PERFECT combination of fun and free-play. We traveled to Tennessee and North Carolina and experienced everything ~ Put-Putting in the rain, hiking to a waterfall, staying in a cabin in the woods, white water rafting, you name it...we tried it! I can honestly say that all of us enjoyed every single minute of the trip and are already planning our next adventure! It is so cool to sit down with the kids and find out what they would like to do for fun and then plan it all out.

While in North Carolina we went rafting for the first time. Brian has been before but the rest of us were novices. Here's how it broke down ~ Brian and I had a great time, Meg is terrified of boats but was a trooper for Team Hill, Drew would have imitated Jesus and walked on the water to get to shore, and Matt was mad because we wouldn't tie him to the back of the raft and drag him down the river! I am so glad there was a photographer on the spot to get our reactions!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Mom Song

For all you mom's out there who need a spokeswoman, here she is:
I am SO glad she is in our corner!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

An ode to my family

Sometimes you drive me crazy,
a little frustrated and confused.
But there's one thing to remember ~
I will always love you!

I love you more than you love me and no
take backs...I beat you!

Everyone's favorite grandmother ~

Granny Addy has decided to make another visit to her most cherished elementary school. We are having a special breakfast next week and I was VERY surprised at the number of kids who wanted Granny to be their guest ~ several of them are going to save Granny a seat! Never would I have imagined Granny being this popular! Just goes to show that children do have a soft spot for the elderly.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Soccer Rockers ~ Game #5

As a mom, is it possible to embarrass yourself on the soccer field? I mean, when you are watching your daughter play an exceptionally great game, can you cheer too much? Meg informed me that yes, you can. She played brilliantly last night, and even scored a goal! I know I am a proud mom, but she made these fancy foot moves that showed just how well she can control the ball. I was VERY impressed. After the game we made our customary call to my parents and shared how well everything went (even though we tied 3-3). I was telling my mom how "encouraging" I thought I was to Meg while she was playing when Meg leaned over and in her stage whisper informed me, "You know, mom, you are a little distracting." Whoops, my bad on that.

OK, I'm going to sway you to my side of the cheering issue. During one play, the girl Meg was guarding was trying to swerve around Meg and ended up hooking Megs leg. Meg did this phenomenal air flip and took out the opposing player. As both girls were coming to the ground, the other girls foot landed on Meg's forearm, leaving cleat imprints. You could hear the collective "oooos" from the parents. Did my daughter miss a beat? NOOOO! She finished her very graceful roll, popped up, and charged after the ball. You could tell she was in a lot of pain but the way she cradled her arm against her side, but she NEVER stopped or asked to be taken out of the game. She even congratulated the player after the game for a job well done. You go girl!

Monday, September 17, 2007

"Hey there, Kara."
"Hey there, big sis."
"Are you ready for a field trip?"
"Where are we going, Keli?"
"Why to school on Halloween, silly. Is your forgeterer working better than your rememberer?"
"Yep. I plum forgot about our field trip from the Leisure Land. How does my hair look?"
"Sis, you don't look a day over...50. I think the kids now a days would say you look HOT!"

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Psalm 139:1-6

This is one of my favorite segments...this version is taken from a Bible Study I worked through called "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore. If you are looking for a study that will give you tremendous insight to the things in your life that are holding you back, this is the one to get.

"My child, I loved you before you were born. I knit you in your mother's womb and knew what your first and last words would be. I knew every difficulty you would face. I suffered each one with you. Even the ones you didn't suffer with me. I had a plan for your life before you were born. THE PLAN HAS NOT CHANGED, no matter what has happened or what you have done. You see, I already knew all things concerning you before I formed you. I would never allow any hurt to come into your life that I could not use for eternity. Will you let me? Your truth is incomplete unless you view it against the backdrop of my truth. Your story will forever remain half-finished...until you let me do my half with your hurt. Let me perfect that which concerns you.
I remain, Your Faithful Father"

Soccer Rockers Game #4

Same story, fourth verse. The girls lost again but at least they scored one goal...and guess who forgot her camera! This would have been a great game to take pictures of because the field was WET from all the rain the past two days. Basically, the field did not drain and was one big puddle. You literally squished when you walked ~ gross!

This was a very different team than what we've watched in the past. The girls didn't want to get wet and dirty and therefore made some HUGE mistakes. I thought the coach was going to have a coronary trying to get them to play. It was a good lesson for the girls to learn; this was an EASY team and the Soccer Rockers should have dominated them. Maybe next week will be their week.

I am very proud of my girl and how she played her position. Meg Rocks! I wish everyone could come see a game, she is totally in the moment and not easily distracted~believe me, I've tried...I love you Meg! She made some OUTSTANDING plays and never let the ball get away from her. Meg was very defensive, extremely aggressive, and you could tell that she loved to play. That's what playing soccer at 8:00 on a Saturday morning is all about.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Simmer Down People, Simmer Down

Granny Addy will make an appearance on The Blog, she's just a little indisposed right now at her retirement village. You see, she just got confused and a little frustrated thinking The Blog was The View and Granny didn't want anything to do with "those liberals" ~ her words, not mine. As soon as she takes her medicated dosage of Prune Juice and slips on her much worn housecoat, Granny will be pleased to answer any and all questions. But PLEASE don't ask Granny about her relationship with Brad Pitt, that's a sore subject. Since Brad rejected Granny's proposal to be dancing partners on Dancing With the Stars, her support hose have been a little too twisted, if you know what I mean.

Soccer Rockers ~ Game #3

Got some good news, got some bad news. The good news is that the girls played really well tonight and Meg was once again on fire. The bad news is that they lost (0-4). Meg accidentally scored one for the other team by trying to deflect the ball with her head. It was a GREAT shot, just not where she intended for it to land. My poor baby, the coach really let her have it too. I could say something about Meg's coach, but I will refrain and instead encourage my girl. She's got great talent as a Forward.

The many faces

There are those who stay the same no matter what. They resist change. Others adopt the personalities of people around them. I, in true Sybil form, have a plethora of characters that I can become at any given moment. Could this be my true calling in life? An undercover CIA agent, or perhaps a woman in the witness protection program? Maybe my life is destined for stage & screen? The proof is in the pudding. Good thing I like pudding!

It was fun dressing up as Super Girl Rock Star with Elvis (Kara) and Kolton (he was hiding) for our schools Reading Rock Star Road Tour.

We had an 80's day at school for both the Faculty and kids. Meg was in the 4th grade and Drew was in Kindergarten.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Who the Mom

I have this dysfunction that keeps me from knowing when I should blog an event and when I should pass on it. That's probably why there are three blogs from today alone. I might have to sit the next few dances out but this one is too funny not to be shared...just don't tell DREW!

While shopping at Wal-Mart this afternoon, Drew popped off to me (not good). I simply did my motherly duty and placed my hand around the back of his neck. After I had spoken my peace and turned around, Drew rubbed his neck and said, "Man Mom, you sure know how to use those pressure points." How does a Mom respond to that? Well this one replies, "You got that right buddy, and don't you forget it!"

A New Twist

What to know how to play the redneck version of Follow-the-Leader? Mental picture...Matt on the 3-wheeler and Keli following on the riding lawn mower. Matt was showing me the places I had missed as I was mowing when it struck me what game we were "playing".
Trust me, nothing in this family is normal but I wouldn't change a thing!

Soccer Rockers ~ Game #2

Meg had her second soccer game this morning. The team they played against were from downtown Jackson and in no way looked like 12 year-olds. Several of the opposing team members were as tall or taller than their coach! Talk about AMAZON. The parents on our team made it known that we wanted birth certificates checked, but alas, the ref said that all was legit. When a 12 year-old is bigger than I am, in ALL areas of herself, then something is a little off key...know what I mean?

The Soccer Rockers pulled together and made some AMAZING moves on the field. While I was very impressed, Brian was very mortified ~ at me and my lung capacity! WHATEVER! When my baby girl is playing against WOMEN and she only comes up to their chest (literally) I am going to let her know I support her 100%. At least I didn't get thrown out!
Meg was flying all over the field, was extremely aggressive in her moves, and looked GREAT! Let me tell you how tough and dedicated my girl is. She took a punch, yes a punch, to the face and kept going. She took a kick to the knee (that left a shoe seam imprint) and never stopped. The girl Meg was guarding even clawed her in the back and Meg didn't quit or ask to be taken out of the game.
Mia Hamm better watch out. Beckham who?

The family that STICKS together ...

Here's a cute one to put in the record books for the most creative way to get your mom's attention.
Thursday night the boys had more energy than usual and bedtime came earlier than they thought fair (a much used word in our house). At eight o'clock we went through our nightly rituals and then sent the boys to their room ~ they share a room which has both positive and negative side effects. You could hear them talking and giggling and settling down for the night, something that takes them about 30 minutes to complete. It really is heartwarming to hear them, but I would NEVER admit it to the boys as that admission would only extend their bonding time until well past midnight if they new they had an audience!

Thursday night was an exception in their routine in that they were CONSTANTLY coming up with excuses to leave their needed a drink, the other had to use the restroom one more time, a new thought came into their minds that would not wait until morning, they suddenly remembered what they wanted for get the picture. At our house, once you're in bed, there is no getting up until morning, so I was getting a little hot right about now. Here is comes.

I was "this close to going in there" when Matt came in with his puppy dog eyes and handed me a sticky note (yep mom, I have taught my children well) that read "I ame hurte" in crayon. I didn't recognize the handwriting or spelling so I asked Matt about the nature of the note. In the most angelic looking face Matt could pull off, he responded that is "broder" was hurt and desperately needed my attention (Matt can come up with some big words for his age). I called for Drew and in he walks with an innocent air about him and shows me his damaged elbow, yes damaged according to Drew. There wasn't a thing on that boy! Little did I know that this was their latest ploy to get out of the room and they knew that a sticky note would be their golden ticket! Apparently Drew wrote the note with his left hand ~ his writing right hand was injured so that's why the note was sloppy and misspelled.
You gotta give 'em credit for trying.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Soccer Rockers ~ Game #1

Last night Meg had her first soccer game of the season. She was a little nervous about her new positions on the field but excited none-the-less about playing. Since 1st grade Meg has been goalie for all the teams she's played on. This year Coach Scott wanted to try her at Forward, Sweeper, and one other (I'm so up on this position lingo). She was AWESOME, if I do say so myself! I got some great pics but have yet to download them. As soon as I find that silly USB cord I will share some cool shots of my girl. I'm so proud of her!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

We've got nothing on E.T.

There is an old saying that I have taken to heart, "It's hard to soar like an eagle when you work with turkeys." Change work to live and you've got our house. I offer you two examples:

#1 ~ My daughter calls the kitchen from her bedroom (right around the corner) to find out what we're having for supper.
#2 ~ My daughter is asleep and my husband is sent to wake her up. His method? Calling her bedroom from the front desk (the kitchen counter) and giving her a wake up call.
And people wonder why I dress like a granny!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

On your mark...get set...

Posting, Settings, Templates ~ oh my! Have you ever been so excited about a venture but at a loss as to how to begin? I have all these grand visions on how my family blog should look, time will tell just how many of those visions actually become a reality.
I've told myself that the kids' bathroom would get painted Labor Day weekend but where am I instead? Playing with my blog! Oh well, that 1970's blue funky print wallpaper really isn't so bad.
Disclaimer: To those who are reading this entry, and any in the future, please keep in mind the state of mind of the writer. To those who do not know me, consider yourself fortunate.
And here we go ...