Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Sweetest Sound

I'm the type of person who doesn't like to lay around when I'm awake. It's not unusual to find me up-&-at-em at 3:00 am (this morning for instance). I'm finding that in those mornings when I'm up before every other normal person, there's a reason.

So I'm folding laundry just now and hear this noise coming from the boys' room. Knowing they HOARD sleep whenever possible I slip in to see what' up. I trail the noise to Matt's bed just in time to see his face pressed in the slats of his loft bed ~ a HUGE Cheshire cat smile on his face! That strange noise? Something in Matt's sleep has him tickled. Not the soft chuckle of a good joke, mind you, but the type of laugh that has your whole body moving! You just never know what you'll encounter with my kids!

Thanks, Lord, for giving me such a great thing to wake up to. And just think, if I had slept in I would have missed the sweetest sound in the world!

"God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me."
Genesis 21:6
(If it's good enough for Sarah, it's good enough for me!)


Mitch and Cindy said...

I know just what you mean. I love to watch Emma laugh in her sleep.