Monday, September 10, 2007

The many faces

There are those who stay the same no matter what. They resist change. Others adopt the personalities of people around them. I, in true Sybil form, have a plethora of characters that I can become at any given moment. Could this be my true calling in life? An undercover CIA agent, or perhaps a woman in the witness protection program? Maybe my life is destined for stage & screen? The proof is in the pudding. Good thing I like pudding!

It was fun dressing up as Super Girl Rock Star with Elvis (Kara) and Kolton (he was hiding) for our schools Reading Rock Star Road Tour.

We had an 80's day at school for both the Faculty and kids. Meg was in the 4th grade and Drew was in Kindergarten.


Kevin, Kara, Kolton, & Kannon said...

Ummmmm...where is Granny Addie? You DEFINITELY can't leave her out!!!

Tate Family said...

I was thinking the same thing, Kara.

Ellen said...

Keli~you crazy thing! you haven't changed a bit! I don't think I've seen this side of Kara, either, so glad you posted this!
Hope life is going good for ya and maybe we can catch up when I'm home next!
Behave yourself...I know it will be hard!