My sweet husband will do anything to provide shelter, food, clothing, etc. for his family.
He's always had a very strong work ethic, many times working multiple jobs to make ends meet. Brian is very diligent at showing and teaching and sharing with the kids that no job is too menial, as long as you give it your best.
This was evident in their joint venture last fall. Brian, Drew, and Matt decided they would sell pecans ... whole and cracked. Little did I realize that their trip down money lane would evolve into a family affair. I can't tell you how many HUNDREDS of gallons of pecans we gathered. My poor kitchen was transformed into a pecan assembly line ~ plastic bags for delivery, plastic bags to be cracked, 5 gallon buckets to be divided, you get the picture.
I must admit that it was a good learning experience for the boys to be involved in.
And then came this summer and watermelon season.
You guessed it, Brian and the boys once again put on their salesmen hats and have been selling watermelons. Silly me, I thought this leg of their selling journey would be a small business.
Guess how many watermelons Brian bought on Wednesday for the boys to sell?
And how many watermelons are left?
That's right, in 3 days my little charmers sold watermelons to the young, old, single, families, friends, and strangers. Brian even caught Matt in a new selling technique: when a car would pull into the parking lot, Matt would take them a watermelon, place it in their car, and then ask for the money, that was even before the poor victims had a chance to ask how much they cost or why the boys were selling watermelons ... Matt just took the bull by the horns and made the decision for the customers that they were going to purchase a watermelon. Too funny.
So, here's a few pics of the future Fortune 500: