Friday, June 27, 2008


Well, no new house yet. We've got nine days (counting today) to find a new abode and get moved in. If my math still works, we move out on the 6th but don't sign papers until the 10th. That gives us a little wiggle room and it's AMAZING what the Hills can get done with a little wiggle room!
The kids are excited about the move, getting to be closer to their school friends and all that jazz. Brian is beginning to feel stressed, he just wants to take care of his family - he's really good like that. Tex (our Beagle boy dog) is just glad to have his family home for the long as Tex has his kids with him he is a happy camper. Me, it's kinda scary how laid back I am about all this. You would think I would need some Valium to keep me in check. Nope. I really haven't even started packing yet. I told Brian that I would start getting everything together on Monday, that there's no need to rush. HA HA - I won't elaborate on what all he said, it would definitely not get lost in translation.
Call me crazy, but I know the Lord is in this and I just can't wait to see where we'll end up. So many things have come together too easily for us not to be resting in His righteous right hand.
That's my story as of 7:11am on June 27, 2008. I reserve all rights to change my mind at least once every day, um, hour.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hurry Up to Wait

Timeline of the Hill Family:

Thursday, June 12th - Put our house up for sale by owner

Friday, June 20th - Couple signs a contract on our house contingent on selling their house

Saturday, June 21st - Couple places a for sale sign in their yard (3:00pm)

Sunday, June 22nd - Couple sales their house (3:00pm)

Monday, June 23rd - Couple calls us to inform us of their sale. The catch? They must be out of their home on the 10th of July and we need to be out of our house on the 6th of June. That's in two weeks.

Forget the milk, got aspirin?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Cross your fingers

The couple that looked at our house on Tuesday came back over last night to have a second look and sit down with us. Their initial response Tuesday was that it was perfect for them but they really wanted to downsize from their current house. As the week went on, they began to change their minds and decided that ours really would be a perfect match for them (that and their family lives next door to our house ~ how cool is that!).

This nice couple looked over our house last night, and even invited their daughter-in-law over from next door, and then sat down to sign a contract...a contingent contract, but a contract neon-the-less. Brian is ecstatic! The kids are thrilled. I'm on the cautious side.

All they have to do to sell their house is put the sign in the yard.

This sweet couple is under the impression that their house will not be on the market long.

Knowing their real estate agent, I'm inclined to agree with them.

For the sake of the Hill Family, I hope it is sooner rather than later!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Things You Don't Say to Your Wife by Tim Hawkins

This is probably why Brian and I have been married for 14 years. He has followed Tim's advice and never, well, almost never, says the wrong things to me. Now, for those of you who know George (pronounce it as if you're in Mexico) or Nairb (Brian backwards) those guys are notorious for saying crazy things to me.

By the way, George and Nairb are my husbands is no better than the other.

Remember - we're the Hills!

Still Selling

Yep, our house is still for sale. I keep telling myself that it's only been on the market for less than a week, and we've had someone look at it everyday, and more call about it, but that doesn't sign the papers. Know what I mean? I was REALLY hoping for a Killough connection - put it up and sell it quick. This is a great way for the Lord to teach me patience, to just be still, sit back, and watch God work. Frustrated-yes, opportunity for a learning experience-yes, ready to move-yes, going to place it in God's hands-yes, need to fill up on chocolate and Barq's Root Beer-yes!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Humor, God's Style?

Ok, so you know we have to move to the Reservoir, right? Let me fill you in on the few bits of humor, or patience tests, that we've had so far. One of our friends is a real estate man and has agreed to help us. We were all set to put the house on the market a few weeks ago when our agent developed blood poisoning and was put in the hospital for a week. No problem, we'll just place the house "For Sale By Owner" until he's back on his feet (which, praise God, he is now out of the hospital-still has to have an IV everyday and limit his walking but at least he's alive). We take a few more days to work on the house and then we place out the signs on the road. That was Saturday.
Saturday afternoon we leave for Church, not hearing anything from a potential buyer. Sunday evening services are cancelled due to Father's Day so we head home after the morning service. Buy the time we grab drive through at Sonny's BBQ and get to the house it's 2:30. We're starving, our weekend bags have been dropped on the floor, whatever right? WRONG! We get a call that a lady wants to see the house, like NOW! AAAAAGH! Thankfully, Brian buys us until 4:00 which is just enough time to finish eating and hide all the evidence.
Long story, I know, but here's where the "HUMOR" fits in. I send Meg outside with the directions to look at the house as if you've never seen it before. Find anything that's out of place. While she's walking around outside, I'm doing the same inside. When I head into my bedroom, I notice something moving on our bedside tables...ANTS, millions of ants! In the three years we've been in this house, we've NEVER had ant. We don't eat in our room, we don't drink in our room. What's weird is that they were coming in from behind the bed and splitting up to go to the tables; no ants were anywhere bed, no floor, no wall, just tables. I freak out and yell for Brian to come help me. Have I mentioned that Brian had his top two wisdom teeth taken out Friday and was feeling poorly by now? Poor baby, but suck it up, we've got a house to sell!
We are on ant patrol when we hear Meg screaming by the front door. I come running to see how she's dying, yes, it's that type of scream. To my horror she is outside the front door pointing at a BAT! Once again, we've lived here for three years and have NEVER had a bat! Meg's freaking out screaming, "What is that thing? For real, what is that thing?" Here we go again... BRIAN! Have I mentioned how great it is to have a man in the house?
Infestation taken care of, and with a scant two minutes to spare, I throw some cookie dough in the oven for a homey appeal and wallah, here is our prospect. We send the kids around the neighborhood with our dog so we can tour uninterrupted. I know it's hot, but what's a mom to do? The prospect adores the house, loves the neighborhood, thinks it's perfect for her and her husband, yadda, yadda, yadda. Only problem is that her husband is still in Houston and she doesn't want to sign anything without his approval. Understandable. Keli to the rescue...I take some pics and e-mail them to the husband. Cross your fingers. I think the fact that she stayed for a while is a good sign. My poor kids kept calling on Meg's phone asking if it was time to come home, if we forgot about them, if it was ok to die on the road from heat, ect.
Lesson learned? Always keep your head in the game, a sense of humor in your heart, and a bottle of ant poison & bat broom at the ready :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

14 Years

June 4, 1994 2:00pm Pinelake Baptist Church
Brian Evan Hill ~ Keli Denise Tompkins
It's hard to imagine that Brian and I have been married for 14 years! When I think back to all the moves we've made, the children we've had, the Churches we've been involved with, it's amazing. I can't say that's it's been full of fun, but it's been full. Never one to mince words, Brian has helped me to grow, challenged me to think, taken care of me, and never stopped loving me. I think Charlene Frazier on Sugarbakers summed it up best, "My heart is full."

Thanks, B, for being you...all of you, and letting me
be all that I can be.
I can't wait to see what the next 14 years brings us!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Facial Hair Already?

For years I've had the privilege (and no choice) of shopping with all three children in tow. Now that Meg is into this babysitting stage, if feels WONDERFUL to tell the kids that we are going out for a little bit and Meg is in charge. Let me tell you, shopping with just your husband is TOTALLY different that shopping with the kids.
The other day Brian and I were out getting some groceries when Brian saw this gumball machine with fake facial hair and BEGGED me for a quarter. Have you guessed that we're not your typical family? He thought it would be funny for me to come into the house wearing the moustache that he got. The boys freaked out! They took it to the next level and tried to find crazy places to wear it themselves. Sorry, no pictures of Mom with her moustache, I think I'm allergic to cheesy facial hair.

Boys Will Be Boys

As their mom, I can say it, Drew and Matt are active. Never ones to sit still for very long (video games and TV are not permanent fixtures in their lives, thank goodness!
Both are LOVING summer ~ the long hours, the great weather, the bugs...yes bugs, but these I can handle. Lighting Bugs :}

Home Improvement

We're getting ready to put our house on the market. Let's see:

Install a new dish washer...check.

Remove 1970's wall paper in bathroom...check.

Paint said bathroom...check.

Put up a wood fence...check.

New curtains...check.

Install two ceiling fans...check.

Bottle of aspirin...check.

Repeating Psalm 19:14...check.

Time spent with husband on honey-do lists...priceless.

Check out the his and hers ladders as we tackle one of the ceiling fans.

The Change

Ever try getting a house ready to sell, deal with Church stuff, kid stuff, husband stuff, and try not to blow your top at some point in the journet? DIFFICULT! Here's my new remedy that I found, and yes, I've used it ALOT:

Psalm 19:
7 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
8 The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are
radiant, giving light to the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.
10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.
11 By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.
12 Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.
14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

You should try it. The next time you feel a Julia Sugarbaker (Designing Women for all of my 80's junkies) comment flowing from your mouth, switch to verse 14. It's an AWESOME change!