Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby, Really?

I dearly love my husband, but he has got to be the oldest 39 year old out there. Here's just one of the numerous examples I could give you:
This afternoon we loaded up the family for our weekly grocery trip. Time was of the essence so a leisure walk through Wal-Mart was out of the question. Nada.
We pull in to the parking lot and I hear Brian announce, "Would you look at that. I wore my houseshoes. No, don't take me home. At least I'll be comfortable shopping."
Can you believe that! Shuffling around Wal-Mart in his houseshoes like an Alzheimer's patient. Isn't he the best ~ my man, Cousin Eddy!

That's From Your Side of the Family

Thursday, when the kids and I got home from school, we noticed that our garbage can was missing from the curb. Unusual, since that is one of the boys job ~ to bring the can up after trash pick-up. Oh well, it must be in the garage; maybe Brian came home for lunch and took care of it. Fast foward to today ~ college and life got me busy so I completely forgot about the can until this morning when Brian needed to throw something away in the garage. Yep, the can was AWOL. Neither trace nor sign of this vital missing item. So what's the first thing a mom will do when something is not in it's assigned place? You ask the kiddos, right?

Since Matt Matt was the only child up at 6:30 Saturday morning, he received my simple question, "Matt, have you seen the big black garbage can?" Without missing a beat, Matt replied, "Maybe a Hobo came and got it, cause that's what they do. Maybe the hobo needed a new home." Sure Matt, hobos, in our gated subdivision, stealing a used trashcan to live in. Yeah, and Big Foot helps you squash bugs. Weirdo.

No comments about apples falling far from trees, please.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


OK, before you read this entry, you've got to read the latest blog from Kara or this won't be near as funny. Go ahead, I'll wait for you.
So by now you've read about Kara's rough week and that Wednesday she made a hospital run to check on the man diver/builder. I had the pleasure of getting Kolton for a few hours while Kara and Kevin checked on the poor man. When I got to Kolton's day care with my kids, we saw that Kolton had the infamous red dot on his hand. After explaining what all was going on at his school, Kara bid us good-bye.
We ran a few errands and then hit D-Q so that my kids could get their hamburgers and Kolton could get his chicken. I spent a few minutes before we ate reminding my own children that when Kolton shows out, we shouldn't laugh at his behavior...that would only encourage him to continue. Am I right? The boys and Meg agreed and did a great job of discouraging and encouraging. Such great listeners to their momma!
Not two minutes later, Kolton spit at his Aunt Nene (one of my many name changes with the little man)! I quickly got on to Kolton and we moved on with dinner...or so I thought. Kolton soon popped a french fry into his mouth, spit it out, and then demanded that I EAT IT! What could I do, I lost it! Nice!
"Way to go, Mom."
"Good one, Mom."
"That's teaching him, Mom."
Ice Cream anyone?