Brian and I always joke that nothing comes easy for us. No, really, it doesn't. There are those who can make a decision and follow through with it and have no difficulties at all. There are others who can make a decision, meet some resistance, maybe change a few plans, but then it's smooth sailing. We're nowhere near those categories. Have you ever seen Sharks Tale? Remember the scene where Sykes (the car wash boss) places Oscar (the main character) on the list as far as importance in the ocean? And Oscar finds that he is way below whale poo? Well, the Hill's are not whale poo, but, oh man, I forgot where I was going with this. Oh well, I think I'm trying to say that nothing comes easy for us.
Take me going back to school. You would think that a gal returning to college would be a big deal to the institution. You would think that they would have some sort of guidelines to follow when assisting returning students (especially after 13 years, yes I said it...13 years). You would think that someone would say, "Keli, I know it's been awhile since you were last here with us. Let me tell you what you need to do." That person might be out there in LALA Land, but I've yet to bump into them on my journey through the undergrad world. I just want a degree, is that too much to ask?
Apparently, for me, it is. You see, I've spent the last hour and a half (which I'm never getting back by the way) on the phone with a bevy of people at ___ trying to get my classes lined up. Remember when I said that nothing comes easy for us? Here's a prime example. This higher institution could not grant me my classes because they did not have Sherry's graduate work from Ole Miss, plus my Praxis 1 and 2, on file. For those of you who know me, do you see my dilemma? Point A, I've yet to take any Praxis-much less 1 and 2. Point B, to my knowledge, I've never even stepped foot on the Ole Miss campus. Heard it was a great place, just never visited there before. Point C, my name is not Sherry Hill. I've had numerous guises before (Granny Addy, Super Girl Rock Star, Aunt Lili) but somehow Sherry has never popped up. After visiting with half the staff at this wonderful college, I discovered that I had been given the wrong PIN number and my social was on a wrong form. Go figure!
And while I'm lamenting about my crazy morning (I'm really not a fussy person, trust me) let me just go on record as saying that gone are the days when you meet a person face to face and get your degree on track. Everything now is computerized for easy accessibility. This is the former computer assistant speaking, WHATEVER! No wonder people are afraid to return for their degree, because they'll get the 3rd degree! Is all this really necessary?
Hmmm...lots of thinking to do. Praise God for Barq's Root Beer and chocolate!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Comedy of Errors or Errors in a Comedy
Posted by The Hill Family at 10:54 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
I'm Back!
It's been one month since I last blogged and boy, what a month it has been! Where to begin? I believe I left off with our family in the process of purchasing a foreclosed house. Well, that house fell through (I really don't hold banks in California in the highest regards). I literally had spent one Monday picking out floorings, carpet samples, paint colors, you name it, I choose it. The kids and I were exhausted! We even cleaned the house! The next day my husband called to inform me that he had found us a new house and a job for me. Long story short, I am the proud owner (we close on our home at 10:00 this morning) of a FANTASTIC home and have a cool job that lets me go to college in the morning and see my school kids in the afternoons. Can my life get any better?
Of course, the journey this summer was not all fun and games. There were several tense and stressful moments. Alot of moving around. Living out of my car for weeks on end - literally - our clothes were in giant rubbermade containers. Each day I would have the kids go out to the car and pick out their outfits. But hey, I'm not complaining. A little inconvience that certainly paid off in the end.
Posted by The Hill Family at 8:46 AM 2 comments