Sunday, February 10, 2008

Come on, guys!

Ok, time for a little venting.
This is not my normal perky post but I am deeply disturbed by what I am witnessing in today's society, and quite frankly, how it is trying to change how we live as the Hill Family.

I am just plain tired of having to remind my kids that just because so-and-so has something, doesn't mean you should too. But what is really getting to me is the amount and type of "things" other parents are buying for their kids. Since when do kids need I-Pods AND MP3 Players AND every video game player imaginable AND Razor phones AND ginormous TV's WITH DVD players PLUS digital cameras in their rooms, all at the same time? And what really gets to me is how those "priviledged children" look down on my kids for not having all that is expected. It's not unuasual for someone to make the comment to my kids (and even to me), "I can't believe you don't have this" or "You mean your parents haven't bought you that?" What happend to teaching kids the value of money instead of buying into their every whim? How do you expect to top the next gift if you're still paying off the last? What happens when your child grows up and suddenly faces that harsh reality that no one is going to give them their every latest crave.

I'm sorry, but it sickens me to see YOUNG kids being so picky because this doesn't boast the correct name or that doesn't have the right dollar amount attached to it.
And don't even say the words, "I'm bored" to me. P-L-EASE!
Whatever happend to being thankful for what you have?
Or this one ... that's it's OK to say no to our kids once in a while?
Here's one, how about spending time with the family instead of sending everyone to their own corners of the house and hope all is ok with them?
Are we really doing our children a favor by being their friends instead of their parents?
Are we really so concerned with appearances that we push valuable life-lessons out the door, regarding them as old-fashioned and out-of-date,
something that won't possibly work with this current generation?

Not that anything new is wrong, but can we try a little moderation and see if that works?
Call me crazy, but I think in our moving towards a new and better life, we are fast loosing what our families need most ... each other.

Joshua 24:15 (New International Version)
"Then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.
But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
Notice that the verse says "me AND my house." We are all in this together!
